Episode 934


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There are supposed to be a bunch of deleted scenes unreleased that explain the political situation. That's probably true because the novelization does explain it. Basically the New Republic and the Empire ended their war with a peace treaty about a year after Return of the Jedi. The First Order basically sounds like if the Nazis who fled to South America rebuilt and came back. Leia saw this as an issue. She is supposed to be like a Winston Churchill figure while the New Republic government wants to avoid armed conflict. So she leaves to start a private militia which is the Resistance. 

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This is my favorite version of C-3PO's first appearance in TFA.


I personally rank the Star Wars(of the main series, can't really place Rogue One yet) in reverse chronological order. TFA has just about every single thing I want to see in a Star Wars movie. I think where ESB has TFA beat is in character development and stakes, but I dunno if that's quite fair since this is an introduction to a new saga.

Edited by Davedevil
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On the subject of Rey's parentage, I wish it could be something that doesn't matter but it has something built behind it. I just want her parents to not be Luke or Han and Leia. The Obi-Wan grandchild idea is weird and doable but not preferable.

My own baseless theory: Let's say you are the illegitmate (or even legitimate) child of an absolute monarch. Suddenly, he dies, his kingdom or Empire is thrown into turmoil. You go on the run because you know the people that wany power either want you dead or as a tool to legitimise their grab for power.

For a time, you're successful in staying hidden. You might even have had a child. But, someone finds you. You go back on the run but realize they aren't aware of your child. You find a backwater planet and despoit your kid there, maybe with someone who hekped hide you once, who knows? You then run. Maybe you die, maybe you live as a political captive, who knows? You're no longer important to the story. Who is important is your daughter Rey, granddaughter to Emperor Palpatine.

Once again, this is a theory with no basis whatsoever. I mostly love the symmetry of The Grandson of Darth Vader vs The Granddaughter of Emperor Palapatine with their roles in the force switched.

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Haven't listened yet but if Rey is Lukes kid then a lot of shit doesnt make sense. 

According to the current movie timeline Rey was born 15 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin) and Luke's Jedi Academy is destroyed somewhere between 28 and 34 ABY when the events of Episode VII occur. That means that Rey was at minimum 13 years old when the academy is destroyed, much older than she looked in those young Rey shots, so Luke would have had to abandon her on Jakku YEARS before there was any threat to her from the post academy fallout. Frankly even if she'd reached the age of 5-7 as she seems to be when she's abandoned you'd think that Leia and Han and Ben would have some clue as to her existence.

Based on all that I don't think she's a secret skywalker. Not unless Luke's babymomma kept her existence secret for some reason. I'm pretty sure she's another force-baby like Anakin and nothing to do with that family.

I do hope they don't pin it all on some big Vader style reveal though. Doling out reveals in an offhand manner was one of the best things about TFA.

Edited by Stavros
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I personally hope Rey isn't related to the Skywalkers.  One thing that I don't like about Star Wars in general is that it seems like a big family reunion show.  The galaxy should be huge, but the time to travel between systems is minimal and everyone important is related to the Skywalkers.

I like the fact that Kylo Ren is an insecure wannabe... to me that makes him really scary, because it makes sense that people who are insecure and trying to prove themselves can be pretty dangerous.  Do we really expect Ren to have survived?

Speaking of Ren, we had the Sith before, now we have the "Rens?"  What's next?  In another 30 years we'll have a group of bad guys that start with Q?  The Quagaars, perhaps?

I don't like Rey being able to swordfight with Kylo Ren without any training.... I think anyone can swing a sword, but being able to swordfight against someone who knows what they are doing seems like a very different thing.  

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Just finished listening to this. Splendid review as ever. 

We love this film in our household. We spend time mocking Snoke in various ways. Me because I initially misheard his name and thought he was called Leader Snope which led me to imagine he spent a lot of time debunking myths about the Jedi. Meanwhile Gillian chooses to believe that Snoke is actually tiny. Like the fear demon in that Buffy episode. 

Edited by Mr Mockery
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Just finished listening to this. Splendid review as ever. 

We love this film in our household. We spend time mocking Snoke in various ways. Me because I initially misheard his name and thought he was called Leader Snope which led me to imagine he spent a lot of time debunking myths about the Jedi. Meanwhile Gillian chooses to believe that Snoke is actually tiny. Like the fear demon in that Buffy episode. 

I have a bit of an issue with Snoke and the emperor before him...  How is it that these ugly, stereotypically evil looking individuals seduce people to joining the dark side?  They have these giant holographic projections that loom threateningly over you, they scowl and bare their teeth.... I'd prefer that they appeared to be less evil, and more nuanced. 

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