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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. It was fine. Perfect movie? No but acceptable.
  2. If they bring the Rock back and release it in March again when there's nothing to see, it will do good again.
  3. The price tag is also in the rock's favor.
  4. Is there a reason why that is spoiler free? Hell is there a reason why that writer couldn't write 2 different columns? 1 spoiler free and the other with spoilers?
  5. It's not shit because young people like it. Young people just like shit. Take hot high schoolers, add in some paranormal, make two of them fall for each other Romeo and Juliet style, and you have almost every CW show. It's fine that there is a place and an audience for that, but don't tell me it's quality programing. I would tell you to watch the program before you called it shit.
  6. No offense but that sounds like an obnoxious viewpoint, like "if young people like it THEN IT MUST BE SHIT!"
  7. I like to imagine a team of people working feverishly to figure out that list. How about the top 200? Just proves what I've always said, that Mrs. Doubtfire was a better movie than all the Iron Man movies............... wait.
  8. I like to imagine a team of people working feverishly to figure out that list.
  9. That sounds awful for a director to work like that.
  10. Nah, I'm just going to write a review of a movie and not tell anything that happens. But the music was great.
  11. If that's the case wouldn't Fox want Singer to put Scarlet Witch in the movie too? I've just heard Quicksilver so and nothing on Scarlet Witch.
  12. I did not care for that "review" at all.
  13. So in X-Men they'll be the son and daughter of Magneto, but in Avengers no mention of Magneto or who their father is whatsoever. They should make a trade, Wolverine gets to be in the next Avengers movie and Captain America has to be in the next Spider Man.
  14. Are you watching Hannibal? Haven't seen it.
  15. Is it true the gaming press were clapping and cheering at this thing?
  16. Maybe its just because I am so sick of the formulaic tv that networks put out, but I'm optimistic about Sleepy Hollow.
  17. So whoever wrote the last 4 or 5 episodes either 1. Really loves Batman Begins and wanted to pay tribute or 2. They had no other ideas and stole from Batman Begins. I mean I'm glad the show is getting another season, but it sure did stumble/limp/crawl to get to the finish line
  18. So, uh Turtles will be successful because of Michael Bay? Or it wont be successful because of Michael Bay? I'm not sure what you mean by brands.
  19. Then why did Transformers 3 make a shitload of money then?
  20. Does the majority of the public give a shit who directs movies? Outside of the big names like Spielbergo or Jackson. I would be more worried that the script has been rewritten a bunch of times than the director.
  21. It really started to lose me during the third act, I thought it was a bit too long. I thought the Klingons being in it and being in such a minor really unimportant role was unnecessary. During that scene all I kept thinking was this is straight out of Mass Effect.
  22. I'll see it first or second day. Are we sure the above pic isn't just them fooling around?