Episode 50: Silent Hill - Revelation 3D


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To commemorate 50 episodes of the Tranquil Tirades, James and Damien go all out, perhaps too far, as they spend over four hours talking about Silent Hill: Revelation 3D, a movie comprised entirely of broken fandom and plot holes. [ 4:10:04 || 125.7 MB ]

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You know, I would have thought The Eagles, and their respective solo works, would be included in that group of Beatles, Nirvana, Ramones, etc that Dubs hates when it comes to the perceptions that just because they are so uber popular that people are brainwashed into thinking they were the best of their genre/era/etc.

I mean You Belong To The City works with the idea of where you were going, but surely it couldn't be the only song you could think of about connections to a generic city without a specific name in the song/title?

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As a general rule, if the choice is between a corny 80s hit and anything else, I'm going to go with the corny 80s hit.

There are plenty of popular things I like, including bands.  I'm not a contrarian simply for the sake of it, but my natural hatred of nostalgia does paint a lot of "classic" bands in a different light to me than most.

I actually really like a lot of Beatles solo work, for the record.

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As a general rule, if the choice is between a corny 80s hit and anything else, I'm going to go with the corny 80s hit.

Good rule to go by!  =;)

I didn't mean to call you out, but The Eagles would probably qualify as being on that group of bands so popular in their day, that there would be a backlash due to "wait, why aren't these guys as popular, or these guys weren't as great as their popularity would suggest.

BTW, the problem with using Seinfeld as an example of "this would be solved if..." tropes is that Seinfeld first aired when cell phones weren't as pervasive part of the culture as they are today.  Other wise you'd could say Lucy Ricardo would rarely have to be doing some 'splaning to Ricky all the time if I Love Lucy aired today!  



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That's the whole the point I was making.  Seinfeld can't be made in a modern context because cell phones would break all of their scripts.

The term "Seinfeld plot hole" isn't actually an indictment of Seinfeld and is not to be taken literally.  Sorry if that didn't come across post-editing.

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Wonderful episode, chaps! Thanks to your review of SHR3D and talk of our Silent Hill discussion, I'm very tempted to give the first movie another go. Ten years later, maybe I'll have a different perspective, and will better be able to appreciate what they were going for.

Weighing in on the topic of Seinfeld Plot Hole: Your explanation was perfectly clear, as well as spot on, and I hope you keep using the term because I hate when people don't communicate in movies simply because the script needs to create false drama.

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I hate when people don't communicate in movies simply because the script needs to create false drama.

Yes. Absolutely. It's just poor writing, especially when refusing to communicate clearly harms the person speaking, especially when he's refusing to communicate clearly just for the sake of being obnoxious.

I am working my way through The Walking Dead, and it was annoying at the end of season 2 when Rick could have easily explained something and he didn't. Just come out and say it. Good grief.

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Great episode, gents! Firstly, I'll take away from this review that both of the Real Protagonists can pull off cracking Yogi Bear impressions! That, and Dubs knows shed loads about Silent Hill, although I already knew that from the Extra Lives erase. And whilst I like it for other reasons, Batman Forever can definitely count it's "Killer" soundtrack as a major plus point. ....get it?!? Because Seal sang Kiss From a Rose, and another song called "Ki........" ah, never mind.

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