Episode 55: Rutger Hauer


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"What's the in the sky? Is it a spy? Is it a replicant? Is it a dolphin?" No, Peter. Calm down! It's everyone's favorite Dutch actor: Rutger Hauer! In episode 55 of Hey, an Actor! The Brothers Wilson really do go from the sublime (Blade Runner) to the ridiculous (Hobo with a Shotgun) via the WWII film (Soldier of Orange). As Ian and Pandy trot down Rutger Road they find all sorts of exciting nuggets of fun, including the joys of an intermission, Chad Kroeger, how one film reminds Pandy of a sobering Julius Caesar lesson, and Ian's latest parasites. Also, a fellow Earth-2.net contributor's previous treatment is revisited, another Earth-2.net contributor is (nearly) referenced by Colin Mochrie, and another Earth-2.net contributor is outed as the show's only Patreon supporter (despite this show not having Patreon). [ 2:25:37 || 70.3 MB ]


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On Blade Runner- The final origami model is a unicorn, and ties in with Deckard's dream, indicating Gaff knows Deckard is an android (in this universe it would appear androids dream of electric unicorns ;) )


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It took me three times to watch it, as I feel asleep the first two times. For me it's all about the atmosphere and the directing, and the weirdness of Roy Batty and Pris and friends. But it is quite slow.

Blade Runner 2049 is slow too, SLOW AS HELL. But that movie is just as impressive, and one of the best sequels I've ever seen.

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