Opinion on These Graphic Novels


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Since I'm still new at reading comic books and I am tight on money, I would like to know your opinion on these graphic novel:

Batman: Year One

Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper

Batman: Dark Victory

Batman: Holiday Knights

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Batman: A Death in the Family

Superman Vs The Terminator

Superman: The Man of Steel

The Crow

Any Sin City Novel(I do have The Hard Goodbye)

Any Spawn

I would also appreciate suggestions.

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OK, I havn't read all these lets see-

Batman: Year One- Seminal retelling of the orgin of The Batman. One of the finest superhero stories ever

Batman: Dark Victory- A great sequel to The Long Halloween, basically more of the same. Don't read this until you've read TLH though.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns- Alongside Year One this is the Batman story most highly regarded.

Batman: A Death in the Family- Eh. Its 80's batman and good reading if you are looking to better understand Jason Todd and his relationship with Bats, plus theres some great advancement with bats/joker and bats/superman, but its not the best comic for the modern reader. Very 80's.

Any Sin City Novel(I do have The Hard Goodbye)- Generally speaking I'm a Sin City addict. Once I bought one I just read it straight though and got the next and the next. A harsh brutal and uncomprimising series stuffed full of mysteries and sex.

Spawn- I read a big Spawn arc ending last year but in the end it seemed like too cyclical a story. The hero achieved all his dreams, defeated all his foes and at the end everything was straight back to the bleak hell it was at the start, and I got the impression this wasn't the first time this had happened. I can't speak of all of it and I certainly liked it for a time but in the end I didn't feel like I was getting much out of it.

I'm no Frank Millar worshipper but the best three books here are all written by him.

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Batman: Year One - I gave it a perfect 10.

Batman: Year Two - Nowhere near as good as Year One. Save your money.

Batman: Dark Victory - Good, but not great.

Batman: Holiday Knights - Can't say I've ever heard of it.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Excellent, though I prefer Year One.

Batman: A Death in the Family - For a better understanding of Jason Todd, read A Death in the Family, then A Lonely Place of Dying and finish it up with Under the Hood volumes one and two.

Superman Vs The Terminator - Forgettable.

Superman: The Man of Steel - Been too long to say.

The Crow - Quite good, but not as awesome as everyone claims.

Sin City - I'd grab everything -- especially The Big Fat Kill, That Yellow Bastard and A Dame to Kill For -- except Hell and Back.

Any Spawn - Brian Michael Bendis wrote 19 issues of the Spawn spinoff series Sam & Twitch. Those issues have been collected in two volumes entitled Sam & Twitch: The Brian Michael Bendis Collection, volumes one and two. I haven't read them myself, but I've heard good things.

If you like Superman, try:

- Superman for All Seasons

- Red Son

- Kingdom Come

Give Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters a shot. It's a very gritty, realistic look at the character and superheroes.

JLA: Year One is an exciting read.

Though the Hitman trades are currently out of print, read 'em if you can find 'em. The series starts out as a piss-take on superheroes, but winds up being very serious.

Aztek: The Ultimate Man will finally be collected in March. It was written by Mark Millar and Grant Morrison, and was a pretty cool, fresh look at superheroes.

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Batman: Year One: Tremendous. Anyone who tells you anything else is an asshole or hates comics.

Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper: Not good at all. Passable.

Batman: Dark Victory: Loved it, but I am Jeph Loeb fanboy extreme. Agree with not reading it until after LH though.

Batman: Holiday Knights: Assuming that this is a collection of Batman holiday stories, skip it. The only one that I have ever loved is one where he arrests a criminal but gets gifts for his kids or some shit.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Loved this and the much maligned sequel. Get both, and f the haters.

Batman: A Death in the Family: To me, meh. The "Joker has diplomatic immunity" thing is dumb, and Jason Todd was an awful Robin anyways, especially compared to Dick and Tim. If you can find it at a Borders and sit and read it, go ahead, but don't buy it.

Superman Vs The Terminator: Not a fan.

Superman: The Man of Steel: Tremendous. I came across this at a comic store the other day, and loved it. DC is also collecting the series and not just the mini, and I think that is worth checking out.

The Crow: Never read it. Movie was good ;)

Any Sin City Novel(I do have The Hard Goodbye): They are all good to me.

Any Spawn: Honest to god, I have never read an issue of Spawn. Even in the 90's.

Skip them all and get all the Annihilation books.

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Okay, here's a fuller answer from me;

Batman: Year One: Pretty useless answer this, but I read it once and really didn't get it as a classic. I need to read it again.

Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper: Not read it.

Batman: Dark Victory Very good book. If you like Long Halloween I can't imagine you not liking this one.

Batman: Holiday Knights: Not read.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: Utterly essential read. Highest reccomendation I can give.

Batman: A Death in the Family: Mixed. Certainly worth a read due to its importance within the mythology, but certain aspects of it (particularly The Joker's political position) are strange. The actual death is pretty awesome though.

Superman Vs The Terminator: Haven't read. Sounds dumb.

Superman: The Man of Steel: I haven't read this in a while, but I remember it being thoroughly absorbing. Much better than your modern Supes book (All Star aside), and one of the reasons I'm quite enamoured with late 80's/ early 90's Superman.

The Crow: I love The Crow, I think it's an incredible book, visually and thematically.

Any Sin City Novel: There's nothing I dislike. I think The Hard Goodbye may be the best, but Yoda's reccomendations are solid.

Any Spawn: Never read Spawn.

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Batman: Year One: Probably the best Batman story ever written. Chris Nolan basd the movie on this story for a reason.

Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper: Don't waste your time.

Batman: Dark Victory Not bad. If you liked Long Halloween, you'll like this.

Batman: Holiday Knights: Never seen it.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: An imporant story, and one you should read, but I have to admit that the appeal of Frank Miller's art in this is totally lost on me. It's hideous.

Batman: A Death in the Family: Try it. This is an historically important story, but it also works as just a four-issue story with phenomenal artwork by Jim Aparo (for my money, the best Bat-artist ever).

Superman Vs The Terminator: Haven't read this. Would probably not read this if I was locked in a room with it.

Superman: The Man of Steel: Read this. Read this now. Great writing, great art, very good retelling of the Superman mythos... and this is coming from someone who was pissed at the time that the pre-Crisis universe was no more.

The Crow: It's good, but don't walk in expecting the movie.

Any Sin City Novel: Storywise, you can't really go wrong with any of these. Again, though, Miller draws with his feet.

Any Spawn: The art is amazing. The writing, usually, not so much.

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Batman: Year One: What else to say about this? THE definitive Batman stories all others will be compared to.

Batman: Year Two Fear the Reaper: Only worth it for the Alan Davis art but this is a bit of a stinker.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns: For me, this one's overrated but I really like what Miller was doing with page layouts and storytelling. Really European in style.

Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't.

Any Sin City Novel(I do have The Hard Goodbye): Most are pretty good. The original is the best. But I have a soft spot for The Big Fat Kill.

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Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't.

That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though.

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Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't.

That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though.

Aparo is a man god!

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Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't.

That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though.

Aparo is a man god!

All glory to Aparo!

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Batman: A Death in the Family: My guilt little pleasure. I loved this book because I read it at the right time. Does it hold up? I think so but others don't.

That's an excellent point. My fond memories of this story (and this era in general) probably come from the fact that I would have been about 14 or so at the time, and totally caught up in the hype surrounding the movie. I will always stand by my mancrush on Jim Aparo, though.

Aparo is a man god!

All glory to Aparo!


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