Will X-Box see another Rare game?

Mr. Keith

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I didn't play much of that one game Rare released*Something to do with Ghouls, but the name escapes my mind*, but from what I did play on a demo I must say that isn't the same Rare that I absolutely loved through my SNES-N64 years. Now granted, it's just one game, but will Rare even be able to release another game for the X-Box with all the talks about all their games being moved onto the X-Box 2.

Which brings me to my question, does anyone think we'll see a game such as Conker or Perfect Dark on the original X-Box or will they all be canned and moved to the new Mircosoft console that'll probably come out sometime in 2006?

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I didn't play much of that one game Rare released*Something to do with Ghouls, but the name escapes my mind*, but from what I did play on a demo I must say that isn't the same Rare that I absolutely loved through my SNES-N64 years. Now granted, it's just one game, but will Rare even be able to release another game for the X-Box with all the talks about all their games being moved onto the X-Box 2.

Which brings me to my question, does anyone think we'll see a game such as Conker or Perfect Dark on the original X-Box or will they all be canned and moved to the new Mircosoft console that'll probably come out sometime in 2006?

That's because Nintendo hired all the good Rare guys before they sold off Rare. Very clever move.

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Damn right, the true Rare staff wouldn't sell-out like that. I don't think that Rare made a bad game for the SNES/N64, though DK64 was basically Banjo with apes.

EDIT: To keep this post on-topic, that's why I sympathise with Xbox users for having a Rare-imitation developer. If you did get a Perfect Dark sequel, given the Xbox's capabilities it would probably kick all kinds of arse.

Edited by slothian
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I didn't play much of that one game Rare released*Something to do with Ghouls, but the name escapes my mind*, but from what I did play on a demo I must say that isn't the same Rare that I absolutely loved through my SNES-N64 years. Now granted, it's just one game, but will Rare even be able to release another game for the X-Box with all the talks about all their games being moved onto the X-Box 2.

Which brings me to my question,  does anyone think we'll see a game such as Conker or Perfect Dark on the original X-Box or will they all be canned and moved to the new Mircosoft console that'll probably come out sometime in 2006?

That's because Nintendo hired all the good Rare guys before they sold off Rare. Very clever move.

Except for the creators of Golden Eye 007, who're now the Free Radicalz and working on the next Time Splitters.

btw Who has Nintendo signed from Rare? I never heard anything like that.

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Well, if that is true that they not only lost the creators of 007, but also another one of Rares really good developer, I'd feel soo much better about losing them.

Back on topic... I honeslty don't think we'll see any big time Rare games coming to the X-Box. Sure, we might see something like Kameo or possibly some other average title, but I think they'll save their heavy hitter for when the X-Box 2 hits selves.

If we do see a Rare game, it'll probably show up at E3 in some shape or form. If not, I honeslty doubt Rare will be releasing anything for Microsofts big black box.

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Is what I've heard true and that they are going to/ have released a new Banjo - Kazooie game for Xbox? I loved the Banjo series but I can't help feeling that it's one of those series that will run out of steam quickly if it doesn't re-invent itself.

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Is what I've heard true and that they are going to/ have released a new Banjo - Kazooie game for Xbox? I loved the Banjo series but I can't help feeling that it's one of those series that will run out of steam quickly if it doesn't re-invent itself.

Banjo Kazooie will stick out like a saw thumb in the X-Box line up. That or everybody who said Mario is for babies will be rushing out to buy this game.

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