30 day comic challenge


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I don't know anyone whose face looks even remotely like his drawings.

Quitely's style doesn't appeal to everyone's tastes, so I'm not arguing your opinion, but Matt Smith.

I don't know who that is.

EDIT: WOAH! That's an ugly mother right there.

Shut your mouth.

Oh, you're not talking about Shaft.

Then I can dig it.

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Day 15 favourite creative team

I could go with a lot for this. Bendis and Maleev is awesome, I'm a huge fan of Kirkman and Charlie Adlard on Walking dead as well as Brubaker and Lark. However, I think I'm going to have to go with Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli for Batman Year One and Daredevil Born Again.


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Day 16 - A Comic You Used to Love But Now Hate

When I loved it-


When it was ruined-


Exiles is a book that overcame a lot of dodgy creative, from Calafiore on art for long periods to Chuck Austen and Tony Bedard writing. Really the only thing keeping it going was long stints by Judd Winick, who gave the concept character and momentum. Then Chris Claremont came on board and killed it dead in record time, resurrected it for kicks and then promptly killed it again. I almost said Ultimates here but Exiles is something I invested in for much longer.

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Day 16 - A Comic You Used to Love, But Now Hate


I liked Brad Metzner's run, I even liked what Dwayne McDuffey started to do before editorial fucked him over. That said, by the beginning of Robinson's run, you could smell Justice League from the middle of the comic shop and it's not helped by the team is kinda in the place it was in the mid-90s where it's made up of mainly b-List characters. I like that most of the Titans got promoted but it mainly feels like everyone on the team is there to stand in for another one of the big 5 as opposed to being their own character.

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Why is that, Koete? Is it just the crossovers that have turned you off lately? Because GL is one of my all-time favorites, but they're burning me out too.

The Amazing Technicolor Dream Corps and Johns' idolizing of Hal killed the title for me.

Makes sense. If I could step back and be rational about my favorite character, I'd agree with ya. But I'm clutching tightly because I don't want to give up on it.

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Day 16 - A Comic You Used to Love But Now Hate


Same as Hannah and Preston, but I'm going for the specific issue that made me stop and ask myself why I bought this book.

The first arc had wrapped, and for the most part, I enjoyed it. The book was quirky and different, the fact that issues 5 and 6 had a serious jarring what the fuck with the team being ambushed out of nowhere, and then making it out the situation alright, and the storyline coming to a "Shocking" who gives a fuck conclusion that came and went out of nowhere, I still enjoyed it. I even enjoyed the stand alone issues, with #9 being the best BFTC tie-in issue in my opinion.

Then Gail Simone royally fucked things up. She decided "Hey...I love Catman! I love Ragdoll saying stupid shit!" and that is all the series became from that point on, and with this issue, I found Nicola Scott's art really starting to lose it's appeal. She seemed rush and the writing was boring, and I was given no reason to care about anyone in the book. This book was a pile of shit before Jim Califiore got his hands on the art duties.

I've picked up issues back and forth from here, but the only thing good about the book anymore are the Daniel Luvisi covers, which are usually awesome, and make me wonder "Maybe the books worth another shot" then Gail Simone makes me realise how wrong I was for wasting my money on the book at any point.

Add to this the stuff she posts on twitter, which for me, does colour the writer, especially since it feels like every post that isn't her jerking her fellow Marvel/DC writers off is her talking about how awesome Secret Six is, and her constant retweets from people saying "Damn....that last issue of SS was the best yet!!"

So, yeah, I fucking hate Secret Six now, and am so happy that I made some good money from selling all my trades and issues of the series.

Well, that's my rant over.

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Day 17 - Your Favorite Superhero Comic



I'm not a big fan of the X-Books anymore. X-Force and X-Factor are the exceptions. They tend to actually go outside of the X-Corner. Factor gets it for being pretty consistent during it's entire run and even making good stories during events.



There's just something about Manhunter that I love. It was partially how the author created a natural world for the characters or that it was also a good look at how the Legal System of the DC Universe works.

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The one thing I disagree with Tom about Exiles it thus: I like Bedard on the book. That said, everything else is true.

I liked him too which surprised me because I'm not usually a fan.

Day 17 - Your Favourite Superhero Comic


I threw this in because really it's on a level footing with Invincible, which I've already talked up. Ultimate Spider-man is basically the most fun best written Spider-man series ever. Sure Amazing is pretty great now, but Ultimate has been great for 11 years now, and has very rarely mis-stepped. Bendis even made his small corner of Ultimatum brilliant. That's frankly astonishing.

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Batman. My favourite Batman storylines have been in the book, Batman and Son, and Under the red hood, and it's his main book. It's a shame Tony Daniel can't write fuck all interesting involving Batman.

Also, having my favourite two single issues, Batman 666 and Batman 700, both for the Damian stories, has made it easily my favourite superhero comic.

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Day 17:


When it comes to Superhero books, I tend to go for things that I wouldn't call Superhero books (The Question) or subversions of the Genre (Nextwave, Destroyer). Cable and Deadpool is the best example of a pure superhero book that I could say I honestly loved.

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Day 1 - Your Favourite Comic (Ongoing) Day 18 - Your Favourite Non-Superhero Comic



It's a book that, in my opinion, has only gotten better with age. Also, the early covers are fucking amazing.



I love the book more for Death and the supporting cast but Dream is a very fascinating character. Plus, I love the way that it really just works with the medium.

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