What books have you given up on?


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Ultimate X-Men. It's going the same way that the regular X-Men did: too many damn charecters. If the team had stayed the originals, and maybe Rogue and Nightcrawler, it would have been great. It took years for the original X-Men to add members, now it seems as though a new member is added after every arc.

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Ultimate X-Men. It's going the same way that the regular X-Men did: too many damn charecters. If the team had stayed the originals, and maybe Rogue and Nightcrawler, it would have been great. It took years for the original X-Men to add members, now it seems as though a new member is added after every arc.

Exactly the same book for exactly the same reasons. It doesn't feel "Ultimate" anymore, it just feels like the same old continuity-laden X-books that are in the regular universe. A shame, too, because the first arc was brilliant.

I also gave up on Hellblazer a couple months before issue #200. It felt like it was just being weird for weirdness' sake, and nothing intelligent was really going on. Every arc was basically "Constantine finds creepy monsters, Constantine acts cocky, creepy monsters threaten, Constantine says a bunch of gibberish, creepy monsters are defeated" and it took them seven or eight issues from start to finish. Bah. I miss Ennis, Delano and Azzarello on that book.

The first book I really gave up on after giving it a multitude of chances was Spawn, which was never really all that good in retrospect but continued to get worse with time. I almost made 100 straight issues of it, but gave up with number 94 or something.

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  • 8 months later...

Bumped, because I never saw it first time round.

Any X-Men titles written by Chris Claremont have been taken off my list. Seriously, they are awful, not to mention the terrible artwork by Alan Davis, who needs to retire posthaste. I haven't read such bad comic books in a long time.

Lucifer has been taken off my list too, but I'll go to the graphic novels. I like it, but it has stopped working as a continuing series.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Bumped, because I never saw it first time round.

Any X-Men titles written by Chris Claremont have been taken off my list. Seriously, they are awful, not to mention the terrible artwork by Alan Davis, who needs to retire posthaste. I haven't read such bad comic books in a long time.

A freaking men.

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Teen Titans.  I used to love that comic, right up to the point when Rob Liefield started drawing for the book.  The art just looks terrible, like something dredged up from the early 90's.  I"m gonna boycott TT until they get rid of Liefield.

This was pointed out at another board, so I cannot take credit for it. Though I wish I could.


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