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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. There is no comparison, and only one choice that can be made. Speed. Obviously.
  2. .... Really? The one with Ryan Reynolds?
  3. I cannot choose between Terminator, T2 or Aliens. I will have to abstain from this vote.
  4. There's a Minority Report Pilot?! Where!?
  5. I have seen the pilots for Lucifer and the Jaime Alexander-starring Blindspot. They are both pretty good. And yes, Lucifer is indeed Castle-lite but there are some interesting angles in it that I would be interested to see if they do anything with. Blindspot is fucking awesome.
  6. I liked the Year One movie, I didn't know it was based on something they'd done in the comics. Did they ever do any kind of followup in the comics? Like Year Two or anything like that?
  7. I was in the cinema when Ben's brother said it. I barely managed to keep it down to normal speaking tones but I very nearly yelled "WHAT. THE. FUCK!?!?". Thank god there were only 5 other people in there with me...
  8. Here's hoping the rights end up back with Marvel because of it.
  9. My spoiler-free review: It's not a load of bull-shit. It not a good movie either. It's almost - but not quite OK. There is a LOT wrong with it (the less said about the origin of 'It's clobbering time' the better) but it does get some things right. There is the bones of a damn good movie there. If that movie had been the one released, people would be clamoring for a second one. But it wasn't. So they aren't.
  10. Even if it does make it to TV, They'll cancel it after a few episodes anyway.
  11. I'm seeing it tomorrow. I will post a review here after.
  12. Pretty sure that's her with shorter hair. I have never enjoyed a Deadpool comic. I don't understand the appeal. That, however, is a movie I am going to see the fuck out of. I don't get it either, but that trailer is just great. There is even a remote possibility that I might see the movie at the cinema. Although its more likely that I'll wait till it shows up on a movie channel somewhere.
  13. Slow West: A western that I got taken to at our local indie cinema tonight., Ostensibly about this naive boy from Scotland who's come over to the West to find the girl he loves, but really about something else entirely. You knew things weren't going to end well, but they kind of did. Sort of.
  14. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation Had me glued to the screen for the entire run time; I didn't even want to leave to take a wee despite being desperate to go by the end, in case I missed something. Never seen Rebecca Ferguson in anything before, but she was amazing here as Ilsa Faust.
  15. The only way I would watch a Xena show is if Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor were Xena and Gabrielle.
  16. I went on Friday and saw a movie I thought was OK. Not bad, not meh, not great. But judging from the reactions I've been seeing online, I'm starting to wonder if I saw the same movie as everyone else. But dammit, I should know better by now; I completely missed the second credit sequence! So I'm gonna go back and watch it again, so see what I missed that everyone else saw. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
  17. Doesn't he do that for every film he's in?
  18. I have no idea what the hell that was I just watched but I want to see more of it.
  19. And what's wrong with Babylon 5? The greatest sci-fi show in the history of history?
  20. Oh make no mistake, I love it too but you do have to admit the CGI is... less than optimal.
  21. It can only be an improvement on the movie, so its all good whatever we get.