George W.

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Everything posted by George W.

  1. Well, they couldn't use the name they original wanted because the initials KKK were already taken.
  2. Thou hast to be fucking shitting me. They're publishing that?! I can do better sequential art. Ava does so much better sequential art. A retarded turkey would do better sequential art.
  4. You don't seem so sure about that. Welcome to the forums, Mike! That was an Anchorman reference, I'm sure. Vintage Michael Cole. Boom. First one there!
  5. George W.


    Hey Mike, is that a pistol in your pocket or are you happy to see us?
  6. If you're still accepting applications, I'd be willing to throw down again this year.
  7. George W.


    More to the point, he was only busted with six ounces on him. Willie was traveling light this week.
  8. George W.


    Happy Thanksgiving to all. In honor of Turkey Day, LordKat is reviving the Turkey Day MST3K marathon on his stream.
  9. Get to the Choppa! Really. get to the goddamn chopper.
  10. George W.


    Kellen, I know it sounds glamorous. But do you really need the hassle of being Colin's personal drug runner?
  11. Zepp was stealing morphine for personal use, I believe.
  12. ...but Dubs was on the show.
  13. Can we get a change to the origin where Aunt May dies instead of Uncle Ben?
  14. Yeah, Spider-Man died at the end of Straczinsky's run. No more issues have been published since then.
  15. It's true... Justin Beiber released an autobiography. [/trying to get you to laugh]
  16. Mr. Russo, Mrs. Carter... what you've just aired on pay-per-view is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever seen. At no point in your rambling, incoherent program were you even close to anything that could be considered wrestling, storyline progression, or even a rational thought. Every wrestling fan, even those who didn't watch it, is now dumber for it existing. I award you no buys, and may God have mercy on your souls. P.S.: I spit on your booking.
  17. I will be drinking more soda and smoking more cigarettes to pick up the slack.