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Everything posted by ragernok2002

  1. Got it as a present the other day, My Mam who loaths all things video game was up North and picked it up for me, its awesome
  2. Beautiful looking game, but I now realise how much the 360 controller sucks, nothing like doing Ryu's Haydoken and Ryu jumping up and like a spanner. And good god I suck at this online.
  3. I think you might just be the Bizarro version of me. thats just what the Bizarro of me would say
  4. X-men Meissah Complex is s good read, as is the Planet Hulk trade and Annihilation . You can't go wrong with Nova and Guardians of the Galaxy.
  5. I'm waiting for DVDboxoffice to ship it to me
  6. I've spent nearly 70 hours on the game and with the end in sight I can safely say its not long enough
  7. if Survivor Series was held at any other place other then Boston MA in The Garden that could have been possible... however they hyped up Cena's return so much and especially being in his hometown and everything they gave it to him. Besides Y2J is a whiney lil bitch Still though the chase is far more interesting than being chased, Thats why Mankind and The Rock for the title is one of my favourite fueds, hell even Austin was interesting he was chasing the title.
  8. I thought they would have had Y2J hold the title thill RR and then drop it to Cena, but meh
  9. I went for COD instead of this, I regret that choice
  10. wow and Thompson gives a shit, considering how much of an asshole he was in S1 this was really out of character for him as well
  11. not even a good episode, they really have wrecked HRG's character and Sylar, he could have been the monster seeking to redeem himself and now we find out the company turned him into a monster and he's a victim in this. WTF
  12. GOW2 is fun and Endwar which I haven't opened yet, still plodding through Fallout 3 and Deadspace and at level 54 on COD4 multiplayer.
  13. Jurassic Park was and is still one of my favourite books of all time, one of the first books I ever bought, and is worse for wear due to all the times I read it. Amazing writer. RIP
  14. thats nice, you can opt out if you want but that could lead to Gov monitoring.
  15. Damn it I won't get this until friday :grumble:
  16. Deadspace, its freaking awesome and I can't wait for Fallout 3
  17. The whole how Rhodey became a Cyborg hasn't been addressed yet in the Initiative, which is were you first see him as a cyborg and nobody knows what happened to him
  18. ragernok2002

    The Music Thread

    Foo fighters B sides, Audiolsave - Audioslave
  19. It was explained in the 1st issue of War Machine Agent of Shield that Stark had built all of Rhodey's Armour and equipment out of non Stark Tech so if Iron Man and Stark was taken down with a Virus, War Machine wouldn't be affected and he could continue fighting
  20. Got the elite today from HMV. For 300 euro I got the elite and Fable2 and FIFA09, traded in a few games and I got it for 200euro
  21. So whats the ending that we won't believe? Also Knitting is too cool for school
  22. The Haunted mansion in Vampire the Masquerde Bloodlines is one of the creepiest levels I have ever played, especially the boiler room part
  23. Some asshole robbed my recycling bin and set it on fire, thats a futher 70 euro out of my pocket. The sad thing is these are teenagers doing this and they have no respect for anybody elses property