Episode 702


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It's been four months since the last installment, but Earth-2-in-1 has returned! This time, Dan and Mike look at Marvel Two-in-One #1 (in which The Thing aims to knock Man-Thing's head off) and The Brave and the Bold #110 (in which Batman and Wildcat take on an evil oil corporation). [ 56:15 || 27.6 MB ]

To listen, click here: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_702.mp3

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I totally co-sign on Dan's assesment of Gil Kane, especially the nostrails sentiment.

Have either of you been interested in getting the Legends of the Dark Knight: Jim Aparo collection that recently came out? It's full of his Brave/Bold work. THE LOTDK collections have been covering several noted Bronze Age Batman artists, including Alan Davis, Gene Colan and Don Newton. It's fantastic.

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I've had my eye on that LOTDK collection for a while (along with the Jose Luis Garcia Lopez Superman volume). Aparo's work is so brilliant and gorgeous in these issues that seeing it printed in high quality in a hardbound edition seems like a must.

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I totally co-sign on Dan's assesment of Gil Kane, especially the nostrails sentiment.

Have either of you been interested in getting the Legends of the Dark Knight: Jim Aparo collection that recently came out? It's full of his Brave/Bold work. THE LOTDK collections have been covering several noted Bronze Age Batman artists, including Alan Davis, Gene Colan and Don Newton. It's fantastic.

There are two volumes of Aparo (I have both) with delightful Brave and the Bold work. I have the first Davis one and the Colan one too. I need the Don Newton one, simply because he drew my all-time favorite issue of Detective:


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Don Newton has to be the most universally underrated major Batman artist in the character's history. He drew the first appearance of Jason Todd (pre-crisis) and the special 'Tec #500 issue which included every major Batman character at the time, from Alfred's daughter Julia to villains like Signalman and the Spook.

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One thing that confuses me about the concept for The Brave & The Bold 110 is that Wildcat was a Justice Society member, on Earth 2. Did they address the fact that the two characters existed on different worlds? (Of course, one of the hosts - I forget which - said TBATB was basically out of continuity anyway.)

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These comics are out of continuity, but this issue came out in 1974, thirty years after the end of WWII, at which point it would be reasonable to expect Wildcat to be in his late fifties or early sixties. The Earth-1/2 thing never comes up in this book; there was a separate Earth-2 Batman, but this ain't him. It's generally glossed over.

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As I said on the last installment, I've been sitting down and reading these because if I had to name my favorite characters from each company (that and I bought the three Essential Thing Team Ups and the Three Batman: Brave and the Bold Showcase Presents), it's Bruce Wayne and Ben (I named my fucking first born for this guy) Grimm. That and I love the Team Ups.

- Ben going after Man-Thing for stealing his name is the best motivation in the history of Marvel.

-Wildcat is fucking awesome. His power is punching dudes. All the dudes. Every dude will be punched the hell out.

-Bob Haney's utter insanity is the reason Brave and the Bold was so damn amazing..

-While I love Brave and the Bold, it's a 1000% Out of Continuity.

-Aparo is my Bat-Artist, and I didn't start loving the character after B:TAS. Granted, I was still like 10. Aparo's Ted Grant always put me in mind of Jack Palance with a touch of John Wayne, that being the ultimate bad ass old dude.Robert Forrester would be the perfect Wildcat in 1998.

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Aparo is my Bat-Artist, and I didn't start loving the character after B:TAS. Granted, I was still like 10. Aparo's Ted Grant always put me in mind of Jack Palance with a touch of John Wayne, that being the ultimate bad ass old dude.Robert Forrester would be the perfect Wildcat in 1998.

Aparo's Wildcat is a thing of legend. He doesn't look like an older guy because he has grey temples (comics' long-standing go-to for "how to make a guy look middle-aged"); he looks like a guy who has spent forty years getting punched in the face. Here is a man in his sixties who will fuck you up without breaking a sweat. If his mask weren't so incredibly goofy-looking he would be nigh-unstoppable.

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