Happy Birthday Dan!


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Happy Birthday Dan. May the next... 40? 40 years old? That can't be right... oh well. May the next 40 years be filled with hard candy for the kids. That is if they stay off your lawn. Just look at them outside. You know they want to start walking around in your lawn. Better yell at them from the porch. That'll teach them. In your day...

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Thanks, everyone! It's been a very mellow birthday. Lots of cartoons and comics.

I totally have that one!

Spoiler for Everyone Else: It's not Batman.

It's been a loooong time since I read it; It's DD, right?

Am I the only one disappointed that Dan is only 40?

My knees are only 10!

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Thanks, everyone! It's been a very mellow birthday. Lots of cartoons and comics.

I totally have that one!

Spoiler for Everyone Else: It's not Batman.

It's been a loooong time since I read it; It's DD, right?
It's an obscure FF villain called The Sphinx. He fought Galactus and lost once, apparently. The closest thing to a teamup in the issue is a short cameo from Dr. Strange.

Not the strongest issue of Two-in-One, but a great cover gag.

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May you continue to go where to earth-2er has gone before!

Dan, you're not old, you're just progressing from a TV show to films. Films where you get to climb mountains, fight Christopher Lloyd and make out with shape changing alien women. It's a good thing! So strap on your hairpiece and bell-bottoms and live life like every day is an even numbered one.

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