2016 Hugo Award Nominations


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The finalists for the 2016 Hugo Awards have been announced.

Once again, the Rabid Puppies completely overwhelmed the ballots and have put their picks in virtually every slot. (In so doing, they reduced the Sad Puppies to virtual obsolescence, so there's that.) if nothing else, this pretty much guarantees E Pluribus Hugo passes this year, and this can't happen again.

The 1941 Retro Hugos, on the other hand, look really really interesting.

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A couple of years ago a conservative author decided he never won anything because evil leftists controlled the SF publishing world, so he started a movement to get like-minded people together to collaborate on a slate of Hugo picks and stuff the ballot with their choices, and they called themselves Sad Puppies. Then, a vile, racist, misogynist shithammer with a heavy following allied himself with them, came up with a competing slate, and blew the original Puppies out of the water; his slate was called Rabid Puppies.

Last year's nominees were overwhelmingly dominated by these two slates, and there were a lot of very poor works on the ballot and the final award tallies reflected this by deciding not to award anyone. This year the Sads made an attempt to be more open in their picks by letting more people nominate rather than coming up with a list in a backroom somewhere, and in so doing watered their whole process down and became a total non-factor. The Rabids, on the other hand, make up roughly 85% of all the nominees in every category this year.

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Overall, it just kinda proves that the people in charge of the Hugo need to sit down and do that overhaul. The fact that fucking Vox somehow pushed so much of his own crap in there is pathetic. I feel like some of the shit they pushed this time was in there just because they knew this was the last time they'd be getting away with this bullcrap.

The odd thing though is a few things were probably going to have been nominated anyway so in awards where the Puppies pushed their bullshit in, do you give it to them when the asshats will claim victory or still push for another No Award Given.

That all said, as Des pointed out on Facebook, the only "bright side" of all this is that Chuck Tingle pushed out another terrible gay erotica short, this time about a man and a sentient Hugo Award. Because yeah, he got nominated because the Puppies are really that terrible.

Edited by dc20willsave
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The odd thing though is a few things were probably going to have been nominated anyway so in awards where the Puppies pushed their bullshit in, do you give it to them when the asshats will claim victory or still push for another No Award Given.

That's the big question. For example, there's virtually no way Seveneves by Neal Stephenson wasn't getting nominated; it's the new release of a major author, and people were going to put it on their lists regardless. If it places below No Award, Day gets to cackle "I made you No Award Neal Stephenson!" If it wins, he crows about that. Everything is a victory condition to him, so I think you just have to ignore it. I plan on voting for whatever I think deserves to win regardless (last year made that easy, because all the slated works were uniformly awful).

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That all said, as Des pointed out on Facebook, the only "bright side" of all this is that Chuck Tingle pushed out another terrible gay erotica short, this time about a man and a sentient Hugo Award. Because yeah, he got nominated because the Puppies are really that terrible.

Also, Abigail Larson is a great artist who did the cover to A Mythos Grimmly and is likely only on their slate because she's done covers to some anthologies that Jim Butcher appears in. But also Saladin Ahmed, so I don't know what's going on.

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Chuck Tingle continues to prove him-(Her? Them?)self a national treasure. Put on the slate for no reason than because Voxman wanted to troll people, they decided "Nope, I don't feel like being your chess piece (or, because this is Vox we're talking about, your Candy Land gingerbread man)" and registered their domain name out from under them and is using it as a link site so people can buy N.K. Jemisin's book and read about Zoe Quinn's court victory.

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