Resurrecting Waiting for the Trade


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For a while now I've wanted to resurrect Waiting for the Trade, but with a slightly different bent. Instead of covering newly released collections, the idea here would be to discuss trades we'd like to see printed. These could be creator- and character-centric omnibuses, storylines that have never been collected, looks at bygone eras, and even out-of-print books.

Obviously this would require some research, but I think it would make for a fascinating take on trade-waiting.

Robin: Tim Drake Omnibus

  • All of Tim's appearances in the Batman books leading up to his three miniseries
  • Robin (1991) #1-5
  • Robin II #1-4
  • Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1-6

These stories were previously collected in Robin: Reborn and Robin: Triumphant, but never in one omnibus edition. Plus, those two books are seemingly out-of-print.

Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood

  • Connor Hawke: Dragon's Blood #1-6

A fun martial arts action book that hasn't been in print for ages. It could also be paired with issues from Hawke's time as Green Arrow.

Supreme by Alan Moore

  • Supreme (1992) #41-42, 49-56, 63
  • Supreme: The New Adventures (1996) #43-48
  • Supreme: The Return #1-6

How is this not in print?

So, yeah, those are just some examples of what could be done with the segment. Would anyone want to spearhead / host this segment on The Show? Since it would involve some level of research, it would not have to be a regular monthly segment.

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