Comic Restoration and Grading


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After doing some early spring cleaning, I was aquite shocked and amazed by how many old comics I have. Even more shocking is that some of these appear to be potentially valuable (Wolverine Limited Edition #1-4, X-Men #31, Batman- Death in the Family, Incredible Hulk #181 and some others).

Now, these are all in pretty good condition, but are definately not mint, which makes them almost worthless, I'd imagine, but I remember reading in Wizard a while ago about companies that do restorative work on old comics, making them pretty much as good as new.

I'm also aware that graded comics are worth more, and since I'm looking to sell them, I think this would be another good thing for me to pursue.

So my main question is, who or where do I go to to get this stuff done?

Also, could restoration cause the price/grade to actually go down, since the book has been "tampered with"?

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Also, could restoration cause the price/grade to actually go down, since the book has been "tampered with"?

It absolutely causes the price / grade to go down. Way down, to the point that it's not really worth doing unless you want a good-looking copy of the book for your own collection. If the book's restored before you get it graded, there will be an indication on the grade saying as much (they'll know) and it'll basically make your book completely unattractive to any potential buyers.

I'd recommend against it, if you're thinking about it merely for purpose of selling them off. They're worth more in the condition they're in now, however bad it may be, than they will be after restorations.

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Anyone know how I can go about getting them graded?

CGC is the way to go.

Unless you ever plan on reading it again. I buy comics to read, not to invest money in. I couldn't seal them up, never to read again. I still pull out my books from 20 years agao and read them.

Honestly, I can always get a trade paperback, or an "Essential" Marvel book, so that's not a problem for me.

Plus, as it turns out, I'm starting to think getting them graded isn't really worth it anyway, as my research has shown me that price guides are pretty much useless, and that I might as well be better off selling them as is in slip cases.

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