Halloween: candy or comic book?


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Marvel Adventures: Avengers Halloween Ashcan 2006:

When trick-or-treaters show up at your home or store this Halloween dressed as Spider- Man or Wolverine, give them the next best thing after candy: an Avengers Halloween ashcan featuring the Marvel Universe's greatest heroes! This 24-page (plus cover) mini-comic features the entire first issue of Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #1 — perfect for trick-or-treaters of all ages! Featuring the most popular Marvel characters — including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, and Captain America — taking on the evil robotic threat of Ultron, the Avengers Halloween Ashcan is sure to make your home or store the premiere stop for trick-or-treaters this Halloween! This dentist-certified ashcan ships weeks before Halloween and is sold in bundles of 25!

I can order 25 copies of this kid-friendly comic for $6.00, and I was thinking of handing them out instead of candy this year. Now, it's been a long, long time since I went door-to-door on Halloween, but I would have loved something like this as a kid! That's because I've always loved comic books, and have never really been fond of candy.

But how would you have reacted if someone stuffed this into your bag rather than candy? And, if you have kids, how would they react?

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Here's another question: including the one in the original post, which would you rather have? (Again, think like a child.)

Archie Comics Halloween Ashcan

Betty and Nancy get part-time jobs at a local costume shop, but when a big order falls through, they may be out of a job… and out of luck! But when Chuck drops by the shop with bad news about his failed comic book submission, his forgotten portfolio — filled with superhero costume designs — may just save the day for the girls, Mr. Pansky’s Costume Shop, and Halloween! Sold in bundles of 25 and shipped weeks before Halloween, this 16-page mini-comic will add some fun to any trick-or-treater’s rounds, introducing them to the Archie gang and their timeless teen exploits!

Donald Duck Halloween Ashcan

Ace pumpkin-carver Donald is sure to win Duckburg’s jack-o-lantern contest... but not without a super pumpkin from Neighbor Jones’ garden! Of course, Donald and the thuggish Jones get along like baking soda and vinegar — so their team-up brings explosions aplenty in Don Rosa’s Halloween classic, “Fit to Be Pied!” Sold in bundles of 25 and shipped weeks before Halloween, this 16-page mini-comic is filled with Disney fun and magic, perfect for all ages!

Death, Jr. Halloween Ashcan

Death, Jr. and the gang are back in an All-New Halloween adventure! Follow DJ, Pandora, Stigmartha, Seep, and Smith & Weston as they celebrate the one day where they don't appear quite so freaky to the rest of the world! Sold in bundles of 25 and shipped weeks before Halloween, this 16-page mini-comic is the perfect alternative to candy, filled with characters familiar to comics readers and video gamers alike!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Totally depends on how old of a child... considering I am 22 and that does not stop me from putting on a costume and going around town on Halloween I have a long time I would call "a kid".

I have always loved superheroes. So I would go with the Avengers. But that is what I say now. As a little kid, Donald Duck all the way my friend. He is a duck, and he does not wear pants, and is proud of it. Nothing more inspiring to a kid than a flasher who is proud of it.

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