Flushing it down a toilet would have been more rewarding

James D.

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Today at Best Buy, the guy in front of me in line at the register was buying a copy of........

...the Bloodrayne special edition DVD. For twenty dollars.

Yes, someone actually forked over 20 dollars of real American currency for the shittiest movie I have ever seen in my life. I so badly wanted to say something, but he looked like a guy who probably wouldn't take too kindly to me saying, "You know that movie was so bad, I wrote a 6-page review about how bad it was?"

Why do people do things like that to themselves? :shakehead:

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Do you understand how much of that money went to Uwe Boll? Something like $6!!! The way he funds his films gives him ridiculous returns on DVD sales. He is a bottomless pit of hackery but the man certainly knows what he's doing.

Yep. It always boggles my mind how horribly his movies do in theatres, but he still makes shitloads of money off of DVD sales. How is that possible? Why are people refusing to pay $5-10 to see to it in a theatre, but forking out $20+ for a DVD??? :youlose:

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Do you understand how much of that money went to Uwe Boll? Something like $6!!! The way he funds his films gives him ridiculous returns on DVD sales. He is a bottomless pit of hackery but the man certainly knows what he's doing.

Yep. It always boggles my mind how horribly his movies do in theatres, but he still makes shitloads of money off of DVD sales. How is that possible? Why are people refusing to pay $5-10 to see to it in a theatre, but forking out $20+ for a DVD??? :youlose:

Easy, their children are MORONS! who think that because the movie is based off a popular video

game (oh wait, we're not supposed to call them that now are we :P ) that it must be cool. So,

the nag and nag and nag their parents until they buckle down and get them the stupid-ass movie :shakehead:

And we wonder why test scores are always in the crapper.

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