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For those reading DC's Countdown, I thought I would open an official thread.

We'll keep discussions of episodes of the show dedicated to the series in the proper thread but any ideas, predictions, thoughts, whatever on the series can be discussed here.

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Yeah, me neither. I just thought there should be a thread about it. I mean, some people can talk about stuff like that for hours and hours. Nope! Not me.

Hours upon hours of Countdown discussion? That's crazy talk! Crazy, I say. Crazy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Just remember, gang, this big 52 week event is just to get us ready for the next big event, which will be followed by the next big event, which will take place right before a top secret event I just heard about: Super Duper Last Ever (We Promise) (well, until we need to sell more books) Kingdom Infinite Reality Punching Zero CRISIS!!!!!

And this will coincide with: The Brand New (except Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman) never before seen (except Hal Jordan and Black Canary and Vixen) never before their own heroes Justice League.

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Right. 'Cause I never point out Marvel's flaws. I never speak ill about Marvel's mishandling of Tony Stark, World War Hulk tie-ins, Speedball's turn into Penance, the clusterfuck that is New Excalibur or the disappointment that was Marvel Comics Presents #1. And worst of all, I clearly censor negative reviews of Marvel comic books. :rolleyes:

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This isn't a Marvel vs. DC thing, this is a shit book thing. Marvel seems to be on their way to their own overdone, shitty story (Messiah Complex) so there will be some anti-Marvel stuff then I'd assume. I think a lot of the backlash is the whole "52 issues at 2.99" deal. It's a little greedy. Hey, I love some DC stuff. I've read JLA since 0, and dig it. I think DC has a much better kids line, and that is important to me so I can expose my kids to comics, but Countdown is bad.

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  • 1 year later...

I know what you're thinking. Why, in the name of all that is holy, has this thread been bumped? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mark Waid:

and there's one issue of 52 near the end that was written almost totally by Dan and Keith Giffen because none of the writers could plot it to Dan's satisfaction. Which was and is his prerogative as EIC, but man, there's little more demoralizing than taking the ball down to the one-yard line and then being benched by the guy who kept referring to COUNTDOWN as "52 done right."

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I know what you're thinking. Why, in the name of all that is holy, has this thread been bumped? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mark Waid:

and there's one issue of 52 near the end that was written almost totally by Dan and Keith Giffen because none of the writers could plot it to Dan's satisfaction. Which was and is his prerogative as EIC, but man, there's little more demoralizing than taking the ball down to the one-yard line and then being benched by the guy who kept referring to COUNTDOWN as "52 done right."

Ha! I love Mark Waid.

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I know what you're thinking. Why, in the name of all that is holy, has this thread been bumped? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mark Waid:

and there's one issue of 52 near the end that was written almost totally by Dan and Keith Giffen because none of the writers could plot it to Dan's satisfaction. Which was and is his prerogative as EIC, but man, there's little more demoralizing than taking the ball down to the one-yard line and then being benched by the guy who kept referring to COUNTDOWN as "52 done right."

I don't know if that's my favorite part of the interview or the part when he's asked who should be the Flash.

MW: Wally. I like Barry, and I think I've written a pretty good and very respectful Barry when I've had the chance, but I love the idea that Wally was, again, the first sidekick in history to acquire the mantle permanently. That was unique. That's a shame to lose. I'm sure Geoff Johns'll do a nice job with Barry in his FLASH: REBIRTH story, but I can't imagine what purpose Wally now has in the DCU.
Mark Waid is slowly becoming my favorite person to read interviews from. Alan Moore just rants. Mark rants but has something to say and makes you laugh.
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