Transformers 2


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Guest DCAUFan1051
my only issue with Fox is that it looks like in the trailers and TV spots that she has "man hands" :sick:

But she has woman everything else, and that's what matters.

true but the reference I was making was to the Seinfeld episode where he couldn't see himself with this totally hot woman other the the fact that her hands were the size of an apes.

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Ok I've seen it. I struggled with the idea of going and had actually settled on not going but then I was late to get to Drag Me To Hell and figured what the hell, I need to see it to be able to get truly angry about it.

This was an absolutely abysmal film in almost every department. There, that about covers it.

Nope, there's more. Michael Bay walks like one of us and talks like one of use but he still hasn't managed to understand human emotion, he can only imitate it. This film had less heart and soul put into its creation than a Big Mac and frankly if any person who contributed ANYTHING to this film turned up for any reason other than a pay cheque or free food on set then they are a servant of Satan himself and harbour a secret mission to reduce the human race to gibbering ghouls without morals and values and taste under the cloven hoof of their fiery master.

The way Michael Bay films sex is boring. The way Michael Bay films action is not exciting. The way Michael Bay directs dialogue doesn't indicate a spontaneous exchange of ideas between characters, its like a badly scratch audio track of every film he ever made, skipping and jumping between meaningless phrases and macho bullshit. I swear to god, its astonishing that Orci and Kurtzman, responsible for the awesome Star Trek, wrote this. I'm presuming that they just plucked random lines from old Michael Bay films and changed the names. This can't have taken more than an afternoon to complete. Every single serious moment in this film I was laughing and every joke left me as stoney-faced as an Easter Island statue.

Worse than Terminator Salvation, and Terminator Salvation was shit. Worse than the Matrix Sequels. I'd rather watch Scary Movie 2 than sit through either one of the Transformers movies again.

Somewhere deep in my psyche the is an 8 year old me being raped by Michael Bay. Michael Bay raped my childhood worse than Spielberg did with Indy and Lucas did with Star Wars.


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Worse than Terminator Salvation, and Terminator Salvation was shit. Worse than the Matrix Sequels.

See, I thought Terminator Salvation was passable, at least. And the Matrix sequels were just weird for me, not terrible. So I may like this film, then.

Terminator Salvation was fun but empty. Transformers makes it look like the fucking Shawshank Redemption.

Oh, and where I only didn't mind Megan Fox before I now fucking hate her. If I ever see her name on a movie poster again I'm not going on principle.

A great film is like a great shower. You have water, heat, pressure and whatever else. What Michael Bay has done here is throw a bucket of water over you and said "Hey, wasn't that a great shower?". No Michael, that wasn't. That was a bucket of water. Just because I'm soaking from heat to toe doesn't mean I just had a shower. You've only fulfilled one of the criteria, and that one barely.

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Terminator Salvation was fun but empty.

Ah. We agree then.

It's odd, but I think that most people who go to see Transformers aren't going to see anything with real heart or soul; they just want eye candy. They expect terrible dialogue and characterization (like you'd get from an 80s cartoon), so they're satisfied.

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Terminator Salvation was fun but empty.

Ah. We agree then.

It's odd, but I think that most people who go to see Transformers aren't going to see anything with real heart or soul; they just want eye candy. They expect terrible dialogue and characterization (like you'd get from an 80s cartoon), so they're satisfied.

Dude, the original film still brings a tear to my eye, and I'm currently wading through a whole series of Miyazaki films that would argue that cartoons from the 80's were as artistically viable as any other, and no its not a different thing since many members of his crew used to work on those classic kids shows. He cribbed a lot of them from the studio that made the Thundercats cartoon.

There are direct parallel scenes from the original film and this one and no competition the original wins.

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There are direct parallel scenes from the original film and this one and no competition the original wins.

Oh, I'm sure.

What I meant was that most moviegoers that want to see Transformers aren't actually looking for anything beyond surface-deep. (hence the casting of Megan Fox)

Speaking of that original film, though, Hasbro did a shortened live-action-style redo of the Optimus/Megatron battle from the original movie; have you seen it?

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There are direct parallel scenes from the original film and this one and no competition the original wins.

Oh, I'm sure.

What I meant was that most moviegoers that want to see Transformers aren't actually looking for anything beyond surface-deep. (hence the casting of Megan Fox)

Speaking of that original film, though, Hasbro did a shortened live-action-style redo of the Optimus/Megatron battle from the original movie; have you seen it?

Nice idea, but it lacked the dramatic timing of the original. Cool attempt though.

I might have preferred the new one with a Vince Dicola soundtrack.

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I formally apologize to everyone for at any point defending this piece of trash. I owe you all a coke. Dear god, I just want to crawl up into a ball and drink until I never have to remember this movie again. Why the hell did a robot have giant testicles? Why did they feel the need to assassinate the characterization of Megatron? Jerry Bruckheimer is truly a god among men: The Gd of Terrible Film Making.

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Did they have Soundwave!?

Soundwave was in there and was probably one of the things that there isn't a real complaint about. Instead of a tape deck, he's a satellite and Rampage is the only one of his robots that are in the movie. He mainly floats up in space most of the movie and makes no terrible one-liners. So many terrible one liners. :shakehead:

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I formally apologize to everyone for at any point defending this piece of trash. I owe you all a coke. Dear god, I just want to crawl up into a ball and drink until I never have to remember this movie again. Why the hell did a robot have giant testicles? Why did they feel the need to assassinate the characterization of Megatron? Jerry Bruckheimer is truly a god among men: The Gd of Terrible Film Making.

You are forgiven, my son. :angel:

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I'll go ahead and throw the movie a bone: Jetfire was a pretty good character and the only character other than Optimus and Soundwave that doesn't backtrack in character development, make me facepalm, feel like a gimmick, or just be generally annoying. If the movie had just been 147 minutes of just Jetfire, Optimus, Rampage, and Soundwave dancing on the scrap heap of the Twins and Shia, then I think I could have gotten into the movie and apid to see it twice, once in IMAX.

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I'll go ahead and throw the movie a bone: Jetfire was a pretty good character and the only character other than Optimus and Soundwave that doesn't backtrack in character development, make me facepalm, feel like a gimmick, or just be generally annoying. If the movie had just been 147 minutes of just Jetfire, Optimus, Rampage, and Soundwave dancing on the scrap heap of the Twins and Shia, then I think I could have gotten into the movie and apid to see it twice, once in IMAX.

I was a little annoyed with Jetfire, who was a nice design and a familiar character in that he's an ancient vetern of the cybertronian wars but had one big problem- He was basically designed to be an old-man bot. Like he'd been redesigned with a big beard and a cane at some point in his history. Old transformers compaining about their joints and diodes is part an parcel, they are after all on average all about 100 million years old. However Kup and Alpha Trion didn't really look old, they just looked like a design from a different era. Aethetically a yea, intellectually a nay.

Optimus in this film is THE Optimus. Its the voice, its the sound of a childhood hero who you trust implicitly. The problem was that he was written a bit like a tool for the most part, he may have sounded like Optimus but he acted like Rodimus. Optimus would put all the pressure on one kid to be responsible ofr the entire earth/cybertronian relationship and he wouldn't practically kidnap him and bring him to a secret meeting to whine that he wasn't doing enough.

Biggest problem with the modern franchise? The freakin' humans. Humans should be characters on the same level as the transformers, throw a couple in for the audiance perspecive, to maintain the awe regarding the size and power of the things but ensure they are just a part of the story. The Transformers aren't the wacky sidekicks here, they're the stars. I know budget make this hard but if I'm watching a Transformers film I should be following Optimus, Bumblebee or Hot Rod. Humans are a decent gateway to these sort of adventures, thats why they had Agent Myers in Hellboy. They also realised that the characters are people regardless of species and thats why they ditched Myers in Hellboy II.

This is why Daniel was perfect in the original film. In there enough to be part of the adventure but not the focus. He had great moments fighing Decepticons on Junkion and saving the victims of Unicron including his own father but it wasn't his story, he was just there to allow kids to imagine that they could be a part of it all too, the same reason they invented Robin for Batman.

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Guest DCAUFan1051

Just got back from seeing the flick..... and WOW! I think that the only issue I take with the film is the "pretender" Alice. While the chick is hot there was no character development whatsoever. I thought Skids and Mudflap were funny, but annoying. The best part with them was:

when Bumblebee breaks them up and knocks their heads together like the three stooges.

I like how they worked the Matrix into the film, but um Megatron is not the type of character to have a "master"

I'm still kinda pissed about how much of an ordeal it was for me to actually get to the theater to see it. I don't think I'll be seeing any more movies in theaters this year.

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So I just saw the movie, and thought it was simultaneously amazing and resoundingly "meh."

I really don't see the movie as a real "film," I just look at it as a montage of robot fight scenes. And, in that light, it was pretty amazing. The action scenes are much better than the first film's extreme close-ups; they seem to have found the perfect camera distance.

The forest battle is one of the best fight scenes I've seen in a long, long time. Just those two minutes were worth the entire $9.50 I paid for the ticket. I'm really not joking; it was that awesome.

After that, however, the film gets bogged down by a plot that just plows along, mixing annoying humor and ridiculously dense visual effects.

Still, it wasn't horrible. If you go in expecting a passable story, you'll get it. If you go in expecting a terrible, terrible story, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Story = Ehh.

Action = Anywhere from "meh" to "OH MY GOD THAT WAS AMAZING."

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