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Ladies and gentlemen, the Ragnarok song:

There'll be a rain of ice and fire, hurrah, hurrah,

There'll be a rain of ice and fire, hurrah, hurrah,

There'll be a rain of ice and fire,

As Loki gets his long desire,

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

All over Midgard men will fight, hurrah, hurrah,

All over Midgard men will fight, hurrah, hurrah,

All over Midgard men will fight,

And Fimbulwinter's cold will bite.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

The warhost of the giants sails, hurrah, hurrah,

The warhost of the giants sails, hurrah, hurrah,

The warhost of the giants sails

Their ship is wrought of dead men's nails.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

Heimdall's horn resounding cries, hurrah, hurrah,

Heimdall's horn resounding cries, hurrah, hurrah,

Heimdall's horn resounding cries

Warning that the world dies!

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

And Ymir's spawn will hunt the plain, hurrah, hurrah,

And Ymir's spawn will hunt the plain, hurrah, hurrah,

And Ymir's spawn will hunt the plain,

And Skoll will bite the sun again.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

Then down the Rainbow Bridge they'll stride, hurrah, hurrah,

Then down the Rainbow Bridge they'll stride, hurrah, hurrah,

Then down the Rainbow Bridge they'll stride,

The Aesir in their strength and pride.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

The Fenris Wolf will eat us all, hurrah, hurrah,

The Fenris Wolf will eat us all, hurrah, hurrah,

The Fenris Wolf will eat us all,

And down the Bifrost Bridge will fall.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

Nidhoggr forth from Hel will fly, hurrah, hurrah,

Nidhoggr forth form Hel will fly, hurrah, hurrah,

Nidhoggr forth from Hel will fly

To eat our corpses by and by

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

Yggdrasil to its roots will shake, hurrah, hurrah,

Yggdrasil to its roots will shake, hurrah, hurrah,

Yggdrasil to its roots will shake

The worlds will crack and fall and break.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

And Niflheim will burn and snap, hurrah, hurrah,

And Niflheim will burn and snap, hurrah, hurrah,

And Niflheim will burn and snap,

We'll fall into Ginnungagap.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

There'll be a rain of fire and ice, hurrah, hurrah,

There'll be a rain of fire and ice, hurrah, hurrah,

There'll be a rain of fire and ice,

It really won't be very nice.

And we'll all go into the dark, whether we like it or not.

Explanation of this from here:

I'm posting this here for [info]sovay and [info]asakiyume who wanted to see more verses after I mentioned this song in [info]sovay's journal.

[info]zorinth Z went to a Church of England school for his first two years of education. After that we moved, and his six-year old instructions about what he wanted from education were "Not another Jesus school!"

Anyway, while he was there, he kept bringing home little revolting religious songs, like "We've got a king who rides a donkey" to the tune of "What shall we do with the drunken sailor". So [info]carandol and I, being the kind of people we are, started to joke about terrible little songs like that from other religious traditions, and came up with, to the tune of "The animals went in two by two"

(Some verses were added by Graydon Saunders. Feel free to add your own verses as appropriate.)

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In the Star Wars expanded universe, Leia and Han had three children, once of which was named Anakin.

So here's a thought: Why in the bloody blue fuck would Leia ever name one of her sons after her biological father? He's a mass murderer on an epic scale, oppressed an entire galaxy, wiped out the Jedi, forced her to watch as her home planet was obliterated, had her lover frozen, and personally tortured her.

Unlike Luke, Leia never had a tender moment with the man. She should hate him with a fiery passion, and should have named her youngest son after her adoptive father. You know, the man who took in the daughter of a killer, raised her gently as his own, taught her to be an independent woman and strong leader, spearheaded the group that fought to bring peace to the universe, and died at the hands of her birth father.

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Well, Anakin is a cooler name than Bail Prestor. :P

And speaking from a writing perspective, Anakin Solo was meant to have a similar arc to his uncle and grandfather, having a rise to power as the leader of the new Jedi order. Of course, two Anakins was too confusing, so they killed Annie II and gave Jacen the arc.

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So here's a thought: Why in the bloody blue fuck would Leia ever name one of her sons after her biological father?

Leia never knew Vader was Anakin Skywalker until right before the Battle of Endor, where Vader ended up actually saving Luke's life (and sacrificing his own by taking the force lightning to his respiratory system). She never associated the name "Anakin" with the man who was off killing Rebels and torturing people. If anything, the name "Anakin" represents Vader's choice to come back to the light.

Also, in the Expanded Universe, Luke and Leia are very focused on trying to remove the discredit to their father's name. Having a not-evil son named Anakin (who might end up becoming a hero of the galaxy) would go a long way in doing that.

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