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Last night I had a dream that Matt Smith (dressed as The Doctor) and I were stuck in a small toy store, and I had to use the bathroom. Badly. However, because the bathroom wasn't that far off from where we were standing, I didn't want to use it because he might have heard rude noises. So to distract myself, I played with two Dr. McCoy Minimates: one of DeForest Kelley, the other of Karl Urban.


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The following discussion came from this picture titled "Every Batman Symbol Ever":


#12 - doug7172 ONLINE (11/22/2010)

My favorite symbol is the middle one, that's from Batman Beyond. What a great show. And talk about a great character design?! That suit was straight up G!

#33 to #12 - wulfdogkat (11/22/2010)

i loved that show, i saw the one with bane a week ago awsome

#18 to #12 - Loppytaffy ONLINE (11/22/2010)

As the Joker said; 'the ears are too long and i miss the cape.'

#66 to #18 - doug7172 ONLINE (11/23/2010)

But its theatrical!

#67 to #66 - Loppytaffy ONLINE (11/23/2010)

Kids are supposed to be Robin, Red Robin or in the very least Nightwing. You have to actually be talented and trained like a fucking marine to be Batman. Hence why Dick Grayson currently is.

#68 to #67 - doug7172 ONLINE (11/23/2010)

Bruce didnt pick him, Terry volunteered for the role. Besides that, Terry has the chops (Being Bruce's son and all), but being Robin wouldnt keep the city in check as he would being batman. The city needs a batman, no matter how good that robin might be.

#69 to #68 - Loppytaffy ONLINE (22 hours ago)

Damion is also Bruce's son, with Talia Al Ghul (yes, how to piss off your enemy; bang his daughter and get her knocked up, then train that kid to kick his ass), he is Robin V, he wasn't picked by bruce and is a terrible robin.

Bruce picks the kids he sees potential in, Dick Grayon the acrobat with orphan trauma, Jason Todd the street kid who knicked the wheels off the batmobile, Tim Drake the...er...oh, he figured out who Batman and Nightwing were. Stephanie Brown- robin IV, current batgirl/woman wasnt picked, she volunteered and Bruce hates her- says it all.

#70 to #69 - doug7172 ONLINE (21 hours ago)

Woah woah woah, I'm totally out of it! When did Steph replace Tim? I though she died because of Tompkins! Terry has the heart of hero, knows that all life is valuable, and has the physical ability. Bruce originaly was not going to let him be batman, but to only let Terry avenge his father. After his heroics during that mission, Bruce saw Terry's potential and honored him by letting Terry take the mantle of Batman.

#71 to #70 - Loppytaffy ONLINE (14 hours ago)

It's not Terry doing to physical stuff, it's the suit, and that was proven when that computer program took over it and Terry had the shit kicked out of him.

Steph was only robin was about a week while Tim was in Europe of something.

#72 to #71 - doug7172 ONLINE (1 hour ago)

No dude, Terry did do the physical stuff. The suit let him fly, and protected him. Sure, it did boost his strength to a degree, but Terry was a fit dude. When we first met him, he was a wrestler (Wrestling is a tough sport, its all about endurance, strength and using your mind), all Bruce did was hone those skills and teach him some more fiting moves. In the episode where the computer took over, Terry lost because the suit used the paralyzing feature, so he couldnt move. But when Terry got out of the suit, he was able to beat it.

#73 to #72 - Loppytaffy ONLINE (1 minute ago)

meh. I still don't like Terry. maybe it's cos batman needs a robin, and needs to have earned the right to be Batman. like Jean and Dick did. Not steal the suit and take three days to learn how.

I enjoyed the show but he also let his perosnal life get in the way and was ignoring advice from teh master bat about dos and donts of being the bat. tbh, he's a bit of a twat. I would cal him a dick, but that would insult Robin I/Nightwing/Batman III

Ok, so my question is, what is your stance? Did Terry deserve the mantel or not?

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Damion... wasn't picked by bruce and is a terrible robin.


Woah woah woah, I'm totally out of it! When did Steph replace Tim?

Really briefly, right before she died.

It's not Terry doing to physical stuff, it's the suit, and that was proven when that computer program took over it and Terry had the shit kicked out of him.

What was the quote from that episode? "It's not the suit; it's the man inside it that makes Batman"?

meh. I still don't like Terry. maybe it's cos batman needs a robin, and needs to have earned the right to be Batman. like Jean and Dick did. Not steal the suit and take three days to learn how.

Did he seriously just use Jean-Paul Valley as an example of a true Batman?

Ok, so my question is, what is your stance? Did Terry deserve the mantle or not?


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This is one lacerative muther of an ale. It is unequivocally certain that your feeble palate is grossly inadequate and thus undeserving of this liquid glory...and those around you would have little desire to listen to your resultant whimpering. Instead, you slackjawed gaping gobemouche, slink away to that pedestrian product that lures agog the great unwashed with the shiny happy imagery of its silly broadcast propaganda. You know, the one that offers no challenge, yet works very, very hard to imbue the foolhardy with the absurd notion that they are exercising ‘independent’ thought, or attempts to convey the perception it is in some way ‘authentic’ or ‘original.’ It’s that one that makes you feel safe and delectates you into basking in the warm, fuzzy, and befuddled glow of your own nescience. Why so many allow themselves to be led by the nose lacks plausible explanation. Perhaps you have been so lulled by the siren song of ignorance that you don’t even notice your white-knuckle grip on it. You feel bold and unique, but alas are nothing but sheep, willingly being herded to and fro. If you think you are being piqued in this text, it is nothing when compared to the insults we are all asked to swallow streaming forth from our televisions and computers. Truth be told, you are being coddled into believing you are special or unique by ethically challenged “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” marketers who layer (upon layer) imagined attributes specifically engineered to lead you by the nose. Should you decide to abdicate your ability to make decisions for yourself, then you are perhaps deserving of the pabulum they serve. Double Bastard Ale calls out the garrulous caitiffs who perpetrate the aforementioned atrocities and demands retribution for their outrageously conniving, intentionally misleading, blatantly masturbatory and fallacious ad campaigns. We demand the unmitigated, transparent truth. We demand forthright honesty. We want justice! Call ‘em out and line ‘em up against the wall... NOW.
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This is one lacerative muther of an ale. It is unequivocally certain that your feeble palate is grossly inadequate and thus undeserving of this liquid glory...and those around you would have little desire to listen to your resultant whimpering. Instead, you slackjawed gaping gobemouche, slink away to that pedestrian product that lures agog the great unwashed with the shiny happy imagery of its silly broadcast propaganda. You know, the one that offers no challenge, yet works very, very hard to imbue the foolhardy with the absurd notion that they are exercising ‘independent’ thought, or attempts to convey the perception it is in some way ‘authentic’ or ‘original.’ It’s that one that makes you feel safe and delectates you into basking in the warm, fuzzy, and befuddled glow of your own nescience. Why so many allow themselves to be led by the nose lacks plausible explanation. Perhaps you have been so lulled by the siren song of ignorance that you don’t even notice your white-knuckle grip on it. You feel bold and unique, but alas are nothing but sheep, willingly being herded to and fro. If you think you are being piqued in this text, it is nothing when compared to the insults we are all asked to swallow streaming forth from our televisions and computers. Truth be told, you are being coddled into believing you are special or unique by ethically challenged “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” marketers who layer (upon layer) imagined attributes specifically engineered to lead you by the nose. Should you decide to abdicate your ability to make decisions for yourself, then you are perhaps deserving of the pabulum they serve. Double Bastard Ale calls out the garrulous caitiffs who perpetrate the aforementioned atrocities and demands retribution for their outrageously conniving, intentionally misleading, blatantly masturbatory and fallacious ad campaigns. We demand the unmitigated, transparent truth. We demand forthright honesty. We want justice! Call ‘em out and line ‘em up against the wall... NOW.

Looks nice, but it's still weak compared to Tactical Nuclear Penguin.

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If I could justify spending £35 on a 330ml bottle I would, but even at 31% that's not exactly value for money.. Hell, I'd bring a bottle of Sink the Bismarck! too if I could, that's £40 a bottle and at 41%, even stronger. All from the same brewery. They also make Tokyo, as stout at 18%. As of yet the only one of their beers I've been able to sample is Trashy Blonde, and that was excellent.

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This isn't in the news section because it's not news that she's a cretin, but-

Sarah Palin and her North Korean allies

Add this to the list of things she didn't know during the 2008 election-

[she] couldn't explain why North and South Korea were separate nations. She didn't know what the Fed did. Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussain. And asked to identify ...the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank.

The mere suggestion that she might run for the Republican nomination and potentially do well is incredibly harmful to the standing of that party, and anyone who beats her will have a hell of a time bringing on board her slack-jawed yokel supporters.

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[she] couldn't explain why North and South Korea were separate nations. She didn't know what the Fed did. Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussain. And asked to identify ...the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank.

Where did that quote come from?

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Page 397:

[M]embers of her traveling party met Palin at the Rtitz-Carlton near Reagan airport, in Pentagon City, Virginia – and found that, although she'd made some progress with her memorization and studies, her grasp of rudimentary facts and concepts was minimal. Palin couldn't explain why North and South Korea were separate nations. She didn't know what the Fed did. Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussain. And asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank.
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