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How long does it take for a comic company to make a TPB of a series? For example, I would like to get the Sinestro Corps War series, but I don't want to go out and buy all the single issues. I'm wondering if its worth waiting for the TPB or should i just hunt down all the issues.

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It really depends.

Sometimes a company will solicit the trade the month after the final issue of a storyline / miniseries has ended. So if issue six of whatever series hits in March, the trade could be out as early as April.

As it pertains to your specific request:

Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, volume one hardcover

Ships: February

Costs: $24.99

Collects: Green Lantern #21-22, Green Lantern Corps #14-15, Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special

Green Lantern: The Sinestro Corps War, volume two hardcover

Ships: June

Costs: $24.99

Collects: Green Lantern #24-25, Green Lantern Corps #16-19

Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps hardcover

Ships: June

Costs: $29.99

Collects: Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Ion, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Parallax, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Cyborg Superman, Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Superman-Prime, Green Lantern Corps Secret Files, stories from Green Lantern #18-20 and stories from Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps Special

Is GL #23 not being collected?

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Ultimate Iron Man 2 #4 and the TPB are both being solicited for the same month.

That's right! I forgot about that.

Also, if something is selling really well in hardcover, such as Marvel Zombies and Identity Crisis, it will take a very long time before they're re-collected as trades.

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So it will be June before the entire Sinestro Corps War is collected?


The whole reason I didn't collect the storyline issue-by-issue is because I figured I would be able to buy the whole thing at least by the first of April.

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