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As per Netflix's suggestion, I watched the first few episodes of Psych. I love this show! My sister and I were watching it together last night and were basically cracking up the whole time. Also, Shawn kind of looks like Bret Harrison (he was the main character Sam from the sadly-canceled show Reaper).

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As per Netflix's suggestion, I watched the first few episodes of Psych. I love this show! My sister and I were watching it together last night and were basically cracking up the whole time. Also, Shawn kind of looks like Bret Harrison (he was the main character Sam from the sadly-canceled show Reaper).

Yeah, Psych is amazing. The first-season finale has them at a comic-con, and it's hilarious.

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As per Netflix's suggestion, I watched the first few episodes of Psych. I love this show! My sister and I were watching it together last night and were basically cracking up the whole time. Also, Shawn kind of looks like Bret Harrison (he was the main character Sam from the sadly-canceled show Reaper).

Yeah, Psych is amazing. The first-season finale has them at a comic-con, and it's hilarious.

Totally agree with the Psych love, just a fantastic show. I got hooked on in when I was travelling through the US a couple of years ago. Kinda sad when you spend time in the hotel room watching TV instead of seeing the sights, a well.....

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Been watching Psych (IMO one of if not the best show out there right now). Picked up MONK again for the last few episodes (seriousness is great, once they try to get into comedy... meh it just doesn't work.) And last show that I'm watching that's actually airing is Smallville. Also waiting for the next season of Eureka and Doctor Who: The Waters of Mars coming out Dec 19th.

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May I ask why?

I'm not sure. Maybe because her character in V has similar mannerisms to Inara in Firefly, so it gives my brain an odd sense of the familiar/unfamiliar.

Hi, Alan Tudyk! Bye, Alan Tudyk! You seem to be getting killed a lot lately. (Note: have not been watching Dollhouse, don't know if he's still alive.)

He's still alive.

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What, your brain is having difficulty processing that underneath the hotness of Inara

there could be a cannibalistic lizard person? I love that sort of dissonance.


Also, I forgot just how bad Snakes on a Plane was. So I went to our campus' midnight cult movie showing. And now I am reminded that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. ^^

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Just watched Dark City. What a crazy mix of noir and Gilliamesque science fiction. Given the visual style and the era the effects in this film were for the most part absolutely stunning, but the final effect felt like across between Truman show and The Matrix with the bad guys being The Gentlemen from Buffy. If I'd seen it when it was first released I'd have been more impressed overall, but the actual plot elements and script didn't leave a lot of room for iconic dialogue or moments. It just lacks that little punch that would put it over the edge.

Richard O'Brian though, how awesome was it to see him on screen. The man just embodies evil with enough humanity for you to truly hate him.

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What, your brain is having difficulty processing that underneath the hotness of Inara

there could be a cannibalistic lizard person? I love that sort of dissonance.


Actually, it's more that I keep expecting her to start screwing with some random guy for money, then firmly state that she's not a space whore.

And yet all she does here is stare creepily at people.

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Clone War is really starting to piss me off with its cavalier approach to war and the massive loss of life it entails. What part of the Jedi code OK'd using flamethrowers on living opponants? I don't care if they are crazy insect people, they're still sentient life. I swear, most Jedi tactics are straight out of Zapp Brannigans Big Book of War, they just seem to want to send wave after wave of their own troops until the killbots reach their kill quota and shut down.

Men, you're lucky men. Soon, you'll all be fighting for your planet. many of you will be dying for your planet. A few of you will be put through a fine mesh screen for your planet. They will be the luckiest of all.

I mean, Amakin and Asouka are arguing over their kill-counts whilst the heaped bodies of their own troops are being removed from the background of that very scene. The Jedi are monsters, and when the revolution came I'm glad that they were first against the wall.

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Richard O'Brian though, how awesome was it to see him on screen. The man just embodies evil with enough humanity for you to truly hate him.

Yeah, just watch The Crystal Maze! (One for the Brits, there)

My house is steadily working through my housemate's entire X-Files boxset, and even then, we're only halfway through Season 1 (the most recent episode involved some gender shape-shifters and the Amish). Given that it's 16 years old it holds up pretty well, with the exception of the title sequence which is frankly laughable.

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My house is steadily working through my housemate's entire X-Files boxset, and even then, we're only halfway through Season 1 (the most recent episode involved some gender shape-shifters and the Amish). Given that it's 16 years old it holds up pretty well, with the exception of the title sequence which is frankly laughable.

I've honestly tried to get into the X-files and for my money it just falls short by modern standards. The title sequence as mentioned it utterly laughable, but there's a lot of other elements that I expect from a modern well-balanced show that are just totally absent. I think its the two character thing, most shows have a good ensemble to help mix it up a bit, work in lots of elements. X-files is basically just Mulder and Scully and neither is especially interesting, so the whole format rests on the mystery. Granted some of the mysteries are great, but its not the sort of thing that bears up under my usual chain-watching approach to a new show. Watching more than a couple at a time makes the format seem a bit redundant.

Watched Ghostbusters 1 and 2 today. Never really seen them properly before (I would have been about 5-6 at best when they were shown to me) but it was impressive how much had seeped into my mind through shared cultural references. Good films, not all-time greats but certainly up near to top of the family-adventure genre in the 80's. I'd love to see one set in modern times, its one of those franchises where the effects actually matter so a modern CGI team could have some fun with it. Plus Bill Murray is pretty much unchanged and he's the heart and soul of the whole thing.

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