The minor annoyances thread


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On the music/radio theme. You know what I noticed the other day, no radio stations in Melbourne play Justin Beiber. How is he so huge then? MTV?

One of the TVs at my gym (and the only one with sound) plays Channel V, and his video is on there pretty much any time I go. I’m surprised it doesn’t get much radio play.

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On the music/radio theme. You know what I noticed the other day, no radio stations in Melbourne play Justin Beiber. How is he so huge then? MTV?

One of the TVs at my gym (and the only one with sound) plays Channel V, and his video is on there pretty much any time I go. I’m surprised it doesn’t get much radio play.

On the gym/music front, did you see the music industry just got a decision from the courts that the gyms have to increase their royalties to musicians for playing music for classes and in the rooms. Apparently they are going to revolt and play covers... Where does all this madness end. Apparently businesses are meant to pay to play the radio as hold music as well. I never knew that until a few years ago.

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Ugh. I’ve heard murmurs about things like that, but I’ve always hoped things would work out for the better. I can only imagine how big the royalties must be at this stage.

Of course, I wouldn’t be too sad if my local gym had to stop playing the same handful of pop songs that come on every single time I go.

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I'm never going to say I'm an awesome writer but when I have to give feedback for what reads like a D&D backstory, then I have problems. The problem with workshops is that sometimes you end up with stuff like this and, quite frankly, I want to kinda club myself.

Edited to add: Dear god, it is a D&D backstory. The rules of the world follow the rules of the game. Half thinking of skipping class so I don't have to give this guy feedback.

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Years ago, back when I was an undergrad, I was taking a sci-fi writing course, and one of my fellow students wrote the Montreal Screwjob beat for beat... but set it in space with robots. When I called him on it in class, the teacher was none too pleased with him.

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Years ago, back when I was an undergrad, I was taking a sci-fi writing course, and one of my fellow students wrote the Montreal Screwjob beat for beat... but set it in space with robots. When I called him on it in class, the teacher was none too pleased with him.

Now I'm imagining robot Vince McMahon cackling.

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What is it about hitting fifty that makes you more concerned with the cost of Air Conditioning than your temperature? My father finally has a house with AC, it is 90 fucking degrees, I am sweating balls, my father refuses to turn on the AC. GUH.

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Years ago, back when I was an undergrad, I was taking a sci-fi writing course, and one of my fellow students wrote the Montreal Screwjob beat for beat... but set it in space with robots. When I called him on it in class, the teacher was none too pleased with him.

Now I'm imagining robot Vince McMahon cackling.

That would have been awesome. But, sadly, Vince was one of the few humans.

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Years ago, back when I was an undergrad, I was taking a sci-fi writing course, and one of my fellow students wrote the Montreal Screwjob beat for beat... but set it in space with robots. When I called him on it in class, the teacher was none too pleased with him.

Now I'm imagining robot Vince McMahon cackling.

That would have been awesome. But, sadly, Vince was one of the few humans.

Wow, that really was science fiction.

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Years ago, back when I was an undergrad, I was taking a sci-fi writing course, and one of my fellow students wrote the Montreal Screwjob beat for beat... but set it in space with robots. When I called him on it in class, the teacher was none too pleased with him.

Now I'm imagining robot Vince McMahon cackling.

That would have been awesome. But, sadly, Vince was one of the few humans.

Wow, that really was science fiction.

Vince didn't screw Bret-Bot. Bret-Bot screwed Bret-Bot!

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What is it about hitting fifty that makes you more concerned with the cost of Air Conditioning than your temperature? My father finally has a house with AC, it is 90 fucking degrees, I am sweating balls, my father refuses to turn on the AC. GUH.

By father logic, it's only the second day of being balls hot. Tomorrow, if it continues to be this balls hot, he will turn on the AC, trust me.

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The corporation that recently hired me, (For the sake of discussion, let's call them Mal-Wart), lowballed my hourly wage request by nearly four bucks an hour. I'm broke and jobless, so I couldn't afford to turn them down. Lovely.

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