The minor annoyances thread


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Oh, yeah, the night you thought you were Rorschach. I think there's chat transcripts from that night somewhere on here.

I didn't *think* I was Rorschach. I fucking *was* Rorschach. The whores and politicians will never be the same.

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So, yesterday I sold camcorder to a guy I know to be a drunken asshole from my days working at a bar. He goes to pay with a credit card, I ask for ID, per policy, which he naturally doesn't have. I say that I cannot accept the card without ID. He gets all pissy, but pulls out a wad of cash and pays with that. Then he walks away saying that he will never come in the store again and so on.

Today, he comes in. His kid wants to look at some video games. I ask which one, and this asshole says he wants to just look. I state that I can only have one out of the case at a time and I have to be the one taking it out of the case, as per policy. This pisses him off. Then he gets even more pissed off when I say that he needs to pay for the game at my register in the department, as per policy.

He then goes to the front and speaks to my manager. My manager calls me up and asks why I have been unhelpful/rude to this customer. I explain how I followed policy. My manager then turns to this asshole, says that I did everything in line with corporate policies and that if he does not like said polices to not shop at this store and to have a nice day. That right there is why I am not pissed right now. It really made me laugh.

But still, I don't understand how someone cannot have a form of ID. Also, if you are a drunken asshole who has begged me for a free can of beer in the past, yes, I will assume that your credit card is stolen.

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It is illegal for a retail establishment to demand to see ID in order to accept credit card payment, and in direct violation of the store's merchant agreement with credit card companies.

The same can be said for requiring a minimum purchase amount.

So, your store's policy is wrong, and illegal, and even though you have a bad history with this guy, it is totally unfair of you to assume his card is stolen. Plenty of people lose their IDs.

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Actually, not quite. Most stores don't do it any more, but if it's a check card/debit card (which it might've been?), they can ask to see your ID to see that it matches up to the signature on the back, or if it's faded away and they can't see it to compare.

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From Consumerist:

3) Merchants Cannot Require You To Present ID, Unless Your Card Is Unsigned

Some consumers enjoy it when a clerk asks to see their ID. Others do not. In some states, it's actually illegal for a store to record any additional information (such as an address or drivers license number) as a condition of processing a credit card transaction (unless the address is needed for shipping, of course.) For some reason this is always a hotly debated topic, so we'll go right to VISA for the answer:

"Although Visa rules do not preclude merchants from asking for cardholder ID, merchants cannot make an ID a condition of acceptance. Therefore, merchants cannot refuse to complete a purchase transaction because a cardholder refuses to provide ID. Visa believes merchants should not ask for ID as part of their regular card acceptance procedures. Laws in several states also make it illegal for merchants to write a cardholder's personal information, such as an address or phone number, on a sales receipt."

We think that's pretty clear. Don't want to show your ID? Don't.

So, form of card doesn't matter, but it being unsigned would matter, as an unsigned card is an invalid one.

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So. School. It should not be that difficult to put up signs that do not directly contradict each other as to when book buyback starts.

Yeah, that's the nice thing about B&N. We do buyback all year around though you get the better prices at the end of the quarter when we know if we're using a book or not. Now the awesome part is when people bring in a book that is utterly water-damaged and destroyed and they can't comprehend why we wouldn't buy it back from them.

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I have a physics final on Monday. It is going to suck.

First of all, we never learn anything in that class, which means I essentially have to teach myself an entire year's worth of physics in one weekend.

Second of all, we're not even taking a test that our teacher wrote. We're taking the other teacher's final. WE ARE NOT IN HIS CLASS. WE DID NOT COVER EVERYTHING HIS CLASS DID.

On top of that, I have a headache and I can't watch Buffy/Angel again until I'm done studying. God, I'm pissed off. I have never disliked a class so much. Ever.

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What the fuck kind of creative writing teacher grades stories on a 40-point scale?

It's 175 points total for all the assignments. I don't quite get it myself but ehh. I shouldn't complain too much. I was going to have to rewrite this thing eventually. It's mainly that I was .5 points away from not having to write a stupid letter explaining my choices.

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