Is It Wednesday Yet?


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In this mammoth edition of Is It Wednesday Yet?, Dan Toland returns, and he's brought two new faces to the IIWY? club: Aaron Robinson and Chris Johnson. Oh, and some guy named drqshadow is here. Four of the eight comics they review are: Amazing Spider-Man Annual #36, Batman & Robin #2, Green Lantern Corps #38, and Secret Six #11.

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When was the price section added?

Good read.

Dan, issue 10 of Secret Six was poor and I think even reading that, which was the start of this arc, would not help you.

Spider-Man-Was JJ's father ever mentioned before this issue?

Batman and Robin issue 2, I can't be the only person who is disappointed with Morrisons writing so far.

GL Corps: Tomasi's set up for Blackest night, has certainly been better in recent months then Johns, which is saying something. The art does take some getting used to, but after a few issues, you actually say it works, it's a grower to me.

Iron Man: Well, it's an interesting concept. If that's meant to be Stark on the cover, then why does it look like Bruce Campbell.

Marvel's Divas: Honestly, I saw the description, said oh, so like Gotham City Sirens, then read the rest and found it dull. The story not the review.

Reborn: Never read Cap, won't read this, as I would just say like most people when Bruce Wayne comes back "But I would need to read all of Brubakers run to get the whole story" which is what people will be saying about Morrison's "Nobodys Batman but Bruce Wayne" plot.

Superman: Sounds interesting, but I'll say what most people would say "Is Superman in it? But it's called Superman...." still sounds interesting.

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When was the price section added?

Last week.

Spider-Man-Was JJ's father ever mentioned before this issue?

He's been around for a little while now. From what I can tell, Amazing Spider-Man #578 was his first appearance.

Batman and Robin issue 2, I can't be the only person who is disappointed with Morrisons writing so far.

You are.

Superman: Sounds interesting, but I'll say what most people would say "Is Superman in it? But it's called Superman...."

Agreed. This should be Action or Adventure Comics, not Superman.

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Last week.

Oh, ok.

He's been around for a little while now. From what I can tell, Amazing Spider-Man #578 was his first appearance.

Right, well that was about 8 months ago, so that's not very long, but at the same time, Damien was brought back in Batman right before the Ra's Al Ghul return, so theres no point arguing for or against that.

You are.

I just feel that Morrisons writing isn't hitting all the beats that Quitely's art is, the art is great, maybe it'll take another few issues for me to change my mind, but after reading issue one, I was left disappointed. I'm still getting the first three issues and the trades when they come out, I'm not going to lie about that, I just didn't get the same "Damn" feeling everyone else got, I just said "Oh, well that's.....ok"

Agreed. This should be Action or Adventure Comics, not Superman.

I'm quoting this one for my ego. Well, I could mention how James Robinson is writing Blackest night Superman, which has Superman in it, wonder how that will work, maybe they'll have Black Lanterns of all the dead Kryptonians from the first Krypton.

But that's not what this issue was about.

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Though Batman & Robin has its serious moments, it's the fun Batman comic. I see it as what Morrison does best with the DCU: modernizing the Silver Age. It has the fun campiness of that era, but the deep characterization of today.

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Though Batman & Robin has its serious moments, it's the fun Batman comic. I see it as what Morrison does best with the DCU: modernizing the Silver Age. It has the fun campiness of that era, but the deep characterization of today.

Yeah, it is fun, but that first issue was slow to me, and tread the same ground as the Batman issue after it(Release wise)

Try Gotham City Sirens if you can Mike, that is a fun book, that doesn't really have the depth of Batman and Robin, but is fun and bouncy and really is good, and it's Dini writing Harley and Ivy.

Anyway, yes, I'm probably the minority that read Batman and Robin and just felt it was just ok, and not as great as the hype would lead you to believe.

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Welcome to the fray, Chris and Aaron!

Dan, the premise wasn't even fully explained in #10. All we know is that they took a contract, and they're on some random island and there's metahuman enslavement going on.

'm glad I've decided not to continue following Bats and Robin. Dick I can feel mildly sympathetic towards, but if all he's going to do is mope, then eh. Also, I really don't like Damian, and I dislike how Morrison's trying to push him on us.

Cap Reborn and Marvel Divas sound... interesting.

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'm glad I've decided not to continue following Bats and Robin. Dick I can feel mildly sympathetic towards, but if all he's going to do is mope, then eh. Also, I really don't like Damian, and I dislike how Morrison's trying to push him on us.

I thought the review made it clear that though Dick moped, it wasn't overdone and Alfred pulled him out of it.

And I wouldn't say Damian is being pushed on us. If that were the case, the story would have followed him after he told Dick to fuck off. What we saw, though, was Dick talking to Alfred about his self-doubt, and Alfred explaining why Damian is an asshole. It purposely pulled back on the action and Damian douchebaggery to give us a tender moment between Alfred and Dick.

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For most of these, I'm going off of what I know of the first book, and the continued impressions I'm getting from the reviews. Don't mean to imply that all Dick is going to do is weep. (...heh.)

And Damian just rubs me wrong on every level. Though, admittedly, that's kind of because of his upbringing.

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For most of these, I'm going off of what I know of the first book, and the continued impressions I'm getting from the reviews. Don't mean to imply that all Dick is going to do is weep. (...heh.)

I think you should reread Dan's review then, because he called the characterization "flawless." From what I can tell, the only reason the book received a "borrow" is because Dan wasn't totally impressed by the story.

Where else are you reading reviews of the book? 'Cause I'd like to see what people who are panning it have to say.

And Damian just rubs me wrong on every level. Though, admittedly, that's kind of because of his upbringing.

But that's the point. He's meant to be an asshole. When he eventually comes around and fully embraces his father's legacy, when he understands what it means to be Robin, Damian is going to eat a huge slice of humble pie. And through that humility, he'll grow by leaps and bounds, becoming a true force in the DCU.

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Superman: Sounds interesting, but I'll say what most people would say "Is Superman in it? But it's called Superman...." still sounds interesting.

Well, I guess you could call Mon-El Superman-lite. I mean, heres a guy with roughly the same build as Superman, same colored hair, same powers, similar personality, same sense of justice. Maybe if you squint hard enough for your vision to blur, you can trick yourself into thinking youre reading a story where Superman has amnesia.

I totally agree with Yoda too. If the title character leaves and a few issues are dedicated to wrapping things up and finding out who takes that characters mantle, thats fine with me. I really doubt Mon-El will be taking up the Superman mantle though, unless hes being used here for something further down the line.

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Right, I picked up issue 2 of Batman and Robin, and again the same result.

Look pretty, but had nothing interesting going on.

Honestly I was bored.

I did like the pep talk Alfred gave Dick though.

AJR, Superman shoul have just had the New Krypton story in it, and made things simple for the readers, but that wouldn'y have made any more money, so of course they wouldn't have done that...

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