MUAHAHAHA! (Kill The Cartoon Character)


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If you could kill any cartoon character, then who would it be? It would help if you provide an image of the character. Also I would really applaud a picture of them actually dead.

EDIT: Before I forgot to mention that 'If you could kill any', before I had a typo saying 'If you could any'. People probably got what I meant before edited this though.

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Had to beat Des and Koete to it:


Grant Morrison in Animal Man.

I meant cartoon character as in if you could kill any cartoon character in a cartoon TV series. But what you did was okay I guess. You live in UK, but I am probably wrong about what I am about to say, but to you cartoons and comics are considered the same. When I went to London, I saw the Cartoon Museum, I found out that it was actually a museum for comics in England, cause people in the UK consider cartoons and comics the same. I may be wrong about all this, so I hope I didn't offend anyone. I also hope your not offended when I say that you live in UK (since Scotland I believe is technically part of the UK), and I hope your not offended when I say London culture and language is similar to that of Glasgow, Scotland. Sorry, I don't know that much about your country. I'm kind of stupid to say all this. But let not this thread be a discussion for comparing the U.S., England, and Scotland.

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Nah, I fucked up, was tired when I read the thread.

Comics and cartoons aren't considered the same thing here in the UK, but fuck it, that's not the point of this thread. Also, Scotland is part of the UK, but that's not why I'm posting.

I love(d) Duck tales as a kid, so I don't mean them, and I don't mean the characters on that show when I mention these:


These annoying fuckers.

I mean all they did was reuse ideas from DuckTales but add Donald as the victim and make it less fun, with these cunts talking like normal 90's wankers, with shit lingo, yet still haven't to keep to Disney standards.

I did like the show as a kid, but I can't understand why.

Incase image doesn't show.

Edited by suavestar
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These annoying fuckers.

I mean all they did was reuse ideas from DuckTales but add Donald as the victim and make it less fun, with these cunts talking like normal 90's wankers, with shit lingo, yet still haven't to keep to Disney standards.

I did like the show as a kid, but I can't understand why.

In honor of Frank Miller, I nominate this for Goddamn Post of The Day.

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I think I speak for many people on this site when I say that only one cartoon character had ZERO redeeming features and was a massive detriment the show they became a significant player in.


Die in hell Max.

Bucky gets second place in that category of annoying DCAU characters.


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As much as I loathe Maxine Gibson and all things Scooby-Doo, the only correct answer to this question is Captain Planet. (His cadre of teenaged, politically correct eco-rangers being in a five-way tie for second.)

This is all because you were forced to be Heart when you and your buddies played Captain Planet in the playground.

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(His cadre of teenaged, politically correct eco-rangers being in a five-way tie for second.)

Except one of them. One of them is a communist from the USSR, so that one person isn't totally "politically correct", except that person does care about the environment.

Who was that person again? Linka?

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(His cadre of teenaged, politically correct eco-rangers being in a five-way tie for second.)

Except one of them. One of them is a communist from the USSR, so that one person isn't totally "politically correct", except that person does care about the environment.

Who was that person again? Linka?

Is that a joke?

I think he was referring to the "multicultural at gunpoint" quality of the show.

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