Lost season 6


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Mine was a Futurama reference, but yours is funny, too.

I too gave up circa season 4, but recently did a marathon viewing of everything I'd missed. I don't hate it, but am very curious to see how they work their way out of the corners they've painted themselves into.

Also, everything the producers, writers, and cast have debunked remains on the table. Years ago they said "no time travel." And well, that's some bullshit.

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The only way shows like this can stay consistently good is if the whole series is written at once. That's not how Hollywood works though. You get different people writing their own shit into it, and by the end you can't put all the pieces together without plot holes you can drive cement trucks through.

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They've at least been able to improvise with what they've been given. The giant stone four toed foot at the end of season 2 was written in mainly as the writer's saying, "What screwy thing can we throw in this time?" Since then, the giant foot has become a very important plot point at the end of last season.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Other than toying with me at the possibility of Juliet not being dead, I enjoyed tonight's episode. It still did create a few more questions but, overall, it answered a few as well. Now I'm just going through a number of wld theories as to what's going on, most of which will be disproved next week or the week after. I missed this show.

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My dark matter theory has just been tossed out the window with one episode. I feel stupid for not seeing this before.

The idea of this entire thing just being one giant chess game between two gods... there's such a futility there that would make the whole situation a lot more interesting.

And I don't think Juliet is dead for good. I think they're bringing everyone that they're contractually able to get back by the end of this.

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Average episode tonight, as Kate-centric episodes tend to be. She's been my least favorite character of the entire show for at least two seasons now.

-Loved that Claire's finally back. The baddie getting to her through the form of Christian this entire time makes a ton of sense.

- When will they get it through their heads that the Others are the good guys at this point?

- I'm calling it now, Sawyer dies before all is said and done. Probably a self-sacrifice of some sort. His character has literally nothing left to do at this point.

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Locke episodes always rule.

- Loved him tossing the stone into the water. "Inside joke."

- The mystery villain is actually managing to out-Ben Ben in terms of manipulating people.

- Looks like we'll be leading to more faction warfare before all it said and done.

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Well, this week was interesting. I'm going to have to rewatch for any of the details I missed. Still, just a week later, we find out what the numbers on the wall meant. That has to be the quickest reveal yet. Unless I missed it earlier, I am very curious as to who David's mother is. The face they seemed to go out of their way not to name her or show a picture says it's either important or a non-entity.

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