Episode 21


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It's a new Bond, it's a new year, it's a new continuity for us, and we're feeling good here at For Your Ears Only. Well, the Brothers Wilson are, as Pandy joins the regular hosts for a third time. But Adham is less than happy. Listen as Mr. Fisher quibbles with a rebooted continuity throughout the episode when there are bigger problems to be faced within Casino Royale. Like how to pronounce the villain's name correctly, how confused the loyalties of major supporting characters are, and how the audio quality is changeable throughout. [ 2:55:56 || 80.5 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/foryourearsonly/episodes/foryourearsonly_021.mp3

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Great show Ian, as I am more familiar with the modern Bond, this was a excellent episode!


For some reason I can't access the Earth-2 mainpage from my schools computer lab due to some sort of "safe school search" bs they have installed, that says the website I am trying to access is restricted due to malicious content, yet I can access the forums through the WFP site, when I try to get to the mainpage through the forums, it let's me through. Anyone know what's up with that?

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Great show Ian, as I am more familiar with the modern Bond, this was a excellent episode!


For some reason I can't access the Earth-2 mainpage from my schools computer lab due to some sort of "safe school search" bs they have installed, that says the website I am trying to access is restricted due to malicious content, yet I can access the forums through the WFP site, when I try to get to the mainpage through the forums, it let's me through. Anyone know what's up with that?

That happened to me in my job before I went back to university. Whilst the forums were fine, the mainpage was blocked because it was classed as "gambling" by the work internet filter.

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