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Tom, watch Battlestar Galactica next. See how quickly "frell" becomes "frak." Plus half the cast is British.

Trust me, I've been down that rabbit-hole before, I've seen every episode of Battlestar. Good show, although in retrospect somehow it's lower in my personal pantheon than I'd have thought considering how into it I was at the time.

Farscape just blatantly stole the shape-shifting emotional vampire idea from Red Dwarf's Polymorph, right down to the heightening of the emotion so it could be sucked out and the crew have to function without their primary characteristics. I know nothings new in sci-fi, but this was too obvious, the writer should be ashamed.

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Spielberg will release the original, un-altered version of E.T. on Blu-Ray.

For myself, I tried this once and lived to regret it. Not because of fan outrage, but because I was disappointed in myself. I got overly sensitive to [some of the reaction] to E.T., and I thought if technology evolved, [i might go in and change some things] ... it was okay for a while, but I realized what I had done was I had robbed people who loved E.T. of their memories of E.T.


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It helps to read the entire quote. This is from Eric Goldman (IGN TV editor)'s twitter during the Q&A:

"that's a little bit of a hot topic, isn't it?" - Spielberg asked about changing his movies

"I tried it once and I learned to regret it" - Spielberg on changing ET

Spielberg just asked us if we would be upset if the ET Blu-ray only had the 1982 version. After our loud "No!", he said, "So be it!"

Spielberg also said George Lucas is a great person, who gave us Star Wars and Indiana Jones and Star Wars is his to change if he wants

End all be all: these two old friends (Spielberg/Lucas) have differing philosophies on changing their movies. I'd love to overhear debates!

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It helps to read the entire quote. This is from Eric Goldman (IGN TV editor)'s twitter during the Q&A:

"that's a little bit of a hot topic, isn't it?" - Spielberg asked about changing his movies

"I tried it once and I learned to regret it" - Spielberg on changing ET

Spielberg just asked us if we would be upset if the ET Blu-ray only had the 1982 version. After our loud "No!", he said, "So be it!"

Spielberg also said George Lucas is a great person, who gave us Star Wars and Indiana Jones and Star Wars is his to change if he wants

End all be all: these two old friends (Spielberg/Lucas) have differing philosophies on changing their movies. I'd love to overhear debates!

Entire quote? Twitter? That's not possible.

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Spielberg will release the original, un-altered version of E.T. on Blu-Ray.

For myself, I tried this once and lived to regret it. Not because of fan outrage, but because I was disappointed in myself. I got overly sensitive to [some of the reaction] to E.T., and I thought if technology evolved, [i might go in and change some things] ... it was okay for a while, but I realized what I had done was I had robbed people who loved E.T. of their memories of E.T.


Good for him. It's still an awful film.

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I know he was a Hollywood failure story in his later years, but Jeff Conaway was a major character in one of the biggest shows in tv history. The fact that the Emmys didn't include him in the "In Memoriam" was a slap in the face. Lets not forget he has been on tv in the past few years, so it's not like he never worked again.

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That seems to be a movie more about showing off special effects more than anything. Look, they can skip rope together. Look, we're not using a split screen because there is an adorable black kid in the middle, not a lamp post.

And I would kill for Coming to America 2, but only if Arsenio was on board.

I'm in desperate need of a manicure!

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