Episode 399


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Super-spies and their allies (Black Widow #1), resurrected heroes and their foes (Brightest Day #0), space pirates and their guns (Cold Space #1), speedsters and their rogues (The Flash #1), and gods and wars (The Savage Axe of Ares) are all covered in this edition of 1st Issue Special. [ 1:05:09 || 30.3 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_399.mp3

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A couple of things:

1) They don't really have a new name for Boston Brand yet though at C2E2, almost jokingly, they were calling him Alive Man.

2) The thing with Zoom is kinda confusing but here goes: Professor Zoom, aka the Reverse Flash or Eobard Thrawne, came back in time and was eventually killed accidentally by Barry. Later, after being caught in an explosion of the cosmic treadmill, Hunter Zolomon became a super-villain by the name of Zoom. No professor, just Zoom. He got depowered by Inertia during Final Crisis. Now, here's where things get a little screwed up. Basically, the next thing that happens for Professor Zoom is becoming a Black Lantern in Blackest Night The Flash. He then gets resurrected at the end of Blackest Night and he runs backwards in time to kill Barry Allen's mother and stupid shit then returns to plague Barry before he got resurrected. That's the Reverse Flash in Flash Rebirth which takes place before BN Flash.Really, it's kinda confusing but it happens.

3) I'll agree, the Firestorm stuff is kinda boring to me also. However, just based off of Maxwell Lord, I'm going to follow Justice League Generation Lost despite the ugly as all hell cover art.

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