Phonogram: The Singles Club


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The title The Singles Club refers both to the setting of this book and its nature; seven single stories being told about different characters, all occurring at one club in one night. The stories intermingle, pulling threads from each other and providing new perspective each time. Really what you're looking at here is something similar to Brian Wood's Local or Demo, thrown together with a dollop of Hellblazer, constructed as a more elaborate version of the 1999 film Go, with an unhealthy sample of pop culture. Where the first volume, Rue Britannia, was a noir-ish investigation into the death of a pop goddess (literally), The Singles Club spreads itself out, creating a fleshed out set of characters rather than just a musical John Constantine. Penny B, The Marquis, Aster, Seth Bingo and The Silent Girl, Lloyd AKA Mr. Logos, Laura Heaven (an intentionally awful name), and Kid-with-Knife, everyone here gets their time to shine and their story told, at least for just one night.

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In the next episode of BITD, someone asks us what are our favorite storylines of the last few years--the only storyline I can think of to recommend is 'Rue Britiannia' from PHONOGRAM, and then proceed to praise this series as a whole...

It's a shame if no one tries to adapt this to a BBC television series.

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Thanks guys. In a moment of serendipity last week it turned out one of my housemates friends knows Kieron Gillen, so I've asked him to pass on my profound praise for the book.

Anyone interested in the series should go check out the blog for it, the entire first issue of The Singles Club is on there for free.

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