Episode 06: The Room (seriously)


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Saw a showing of this by the Bristol Bad Film Club this evening. Despite having seen this quite a few times already somehow in this environment I noticed like 15 new hilarious bits. Like Lisa's freak TNG season 1 finale pulsing neck! Or the fact that every so often a character recites dialogue that sounds like negative notes on the script "What are these two characters doing up here?".

One of the funniest things I've ever been to, absolutely hilarious throughout. Plus I got to indulge in plenty of sexy dancing when the R&B started up for the sex scenes. If you get the chance to go to this sort of thing absolutely do.

This club is awesome, they've got some rad shirts and these badass posters-


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Do it, it's a great experience. The guys running our showing did a great job with tons of extra info, handing out guides at the start detailing the characters, plotlines, spoons etc. Apparently Denny is supposed to be "slightly retarded" but Tommy never told the actor this fact. Did you know that the Room has never left cinemas in it's 11 years? And that Tommy managed to release it just prior to the Oscar submission date, thinking it would be a factor? They also scored a bunch of signed merchandise for a raffle including posters and Greg Sesteros book as well as a special surprise video intro featuring Tommy and Greg themselves!

I'm totally sold on this film club now.

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