Episode 70


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  • 2 years later...

Lost so much respect for you guys with the opening of this episode. Adric is far from one of my favorite characters, but you've been bashing him since his intro. It reminds me of the crap Wil Wheaton got for his performance in ST:TNG. It's way over the top, and you've gone from honest critique of the show to, well, bullying. I don't know why you thought it was appropriate, but bullying a kid (and he IS a kid!) is never OK.

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The actor was an adult though. He's more than a valid target.

The actor was 17 when he joined the cast. By every legal definition, he was a child. Dan and Mike began bashing him with his first episode, and never let up. They bullied a child. There is no way around it. They are absolutely giddy, gleeful even, as they do so.

Does it make them feel better about themselves? It's sickening. I've worked with bullied kids, and the joy Dan and Mike take in tearing apart a child - both actor and character - is disgusting.

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There is a very big difference between directly bullying a chid and criticizing an actor's performance decades after they played the role. What if he were one year older at the time of filming? He'd be, in every legal sense, an adult with full responsibility over his actions. Would that make such a big difference?

Anyone who's heard Dan and Mike over the years knows better than to assume they're bullies.

EDIT: Oh hey. 18. There we go.

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Anyone who's heard Dan and Mike over the years knows better than to assume they're bullies.

I dunno, they're pretty darn mean to me whenever I get mentioned on BOTI. Poor, blameless me who has never given them cause for their hurtful, hurtful language which dents my evidently-fragile self-esteem.


....sorry, what were we talking about? Adric? Fuck that guy....

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Were the intro and outro a little mean-spirited? Sure. Were the Many Deaths of Adric meant to be a silly look ahead to the character's eventual demise? Absolutely. But calling us bullies for it would be like calling me puritanical because I think Superman shouldn't use his X-ray vision in certain situations... oh... wait.

The point is, we were taking the piss out of the character, not the actor. While we did mention that Waterhouse was a young, raw actor who made some rookie mistakes, that was the extent of it. We did the same for Rose and Billie Piper; the former we complained about, but the latter we mostly left alone.

That said, for the record, it was I who made the intro and outro (as I believe I noted in this episode or the next), so there's no fault on Dan. Also, if I recall, I called myself on my overreaction to Adric's death when I told the story about The Wife seeing me laugh my ass off at the closing scene of Earthshock; I made no Saint of myself.

At the end of the day, if you have less respect for me due to this, I can't change that.

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