Episode 477


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I'm a tad disappointed that Freakazoid doesn't hold up all that well, but I enjoyed it at the time. I was actually turned off more by Hysteria, because although I'm a major history nerd, it seemed to consist of a lot of cartoon characters just saying the title of the programme. Am I right in thinking that show was another "Spielberg presents for marketability's sake" cartoon?

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I was actually turned off more by Hysteria, because although I'm a major history nerd, it seemed to consist of a lot of cartoon characters just saying the title of the programme. Am I right in thinking that show was another "Spielberg presents for marketability's sake" cartoon?

I'm also a serious history nerd, and I never got into Histeria. I applaud what they were trying to do - introduce history to kids via humor while still teaching them something - but it always felt flat to me. I do wonder how much Spielberg actually had to do with it.

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It's interesting that you guys felt that the first four episodes weren't so hot, because Bruce Timm has said in an interview that he felt like the first season wasn't very good, but the second season was. He described it as more Monty Python than Animaniacs-lite. Now it's not as though he's speaking from a creator role since he dropped out early on, but it made me think that that's probably the case. I watched the Fanboy episode the other week, and I can definitely see where you two are coming from. The non-sequiter bits didn't do it for me, but as a kid I remember this show being insanely funny back in the day. So I would reccommend and am going to seek out second season episodes just to see a fuller spectrum of the series.

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