Episode 481


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In the first installment of Hey, Gurlfriend, Hannah and Will tackle the 80s-tastic, Muppet-filled, logic-puzzle-failing wonderland that is the 1986 movie Labyrinth. Is the Labyrinth really just an appendix to the Aperture testing facilities? What are the D&D classes for our main quartet? What do date rape, peaches, and hoarders have to do with anything? And what on earth is The Bulge? Tune in and find out, gurl! [ 1:37:53 || 45.0 MB ]

The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_481.mp3

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I actually agree with Will that David Bowie would make a kick-ass Joker in live action "Dark Knight Returns".

As for your review, I really enjoyed it despite the fact that I've never seen Labyrinth before and despite the fact that I am not the target audience of your segment.

To be fair, there really isn't a target audience. We're trying to cover the girly and gay stuff that most other geeks pass over because they're just that.

No Golden Girls love :cry:

You should meet some of the American Gay Guys I've met. They have the theme song as their ring tones. I enjoy the show but I have no desire to ever cover it.

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You should meet some of the American Gay Guys I've met. They have the theme song as their ring tones. I enjoy the show but I have no desire to ever cover it.

How can you hate this:

Though, I'm more a Ducktales guy.

Listening now, you do have some first episode issues, such as the discussion coming across as a little bland (Sorry, but it's true, you do have good banter, but at the start, you don't bounce off each other, like two friends talking, it just feels like a scripted beat for beat discussion on the subject, as if it were a class project, like you two don't know each other very well, and don't want to talk over the other person)

Hannah sounds really far from the microphone, as if she would have to shout some of the things she is saying. Maybe this is just a recording issue, or a microphone issue, but I would recommend sorting this before putting out any further episodes, as having it sound like Will is in the room with you, and Hannah is another person on the phone to Will, is a little off putting, for me, personally. As it is just such a big shift to go from someone talking LIKE THIS, to someone talking like this.

I have to ask, what shows/films you will cover, obviously girly films, I can see, but gay stuff is where I'm slightly intrigued, stuff like Queer as Folk (US and UK) are both quite obvious choices, but I wonder where you would take that avenue down the line, if you decided to follow up that side of things, what shows/films would count on that list and why. It's an interesting idea, that I am really curious to see how, or if, you execute it.

Just my personal thoughts, will try and put some more together after I finish the episode.

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I noticed the audio when I was editing and sorry about that.

As far as the more gay stuff goes, I know we're covering Rocky Horror at some point. There are a couple of list episode ideas I have in mind (GLBT Superheroes/Villains come to mind). The main problem is finding things that are appropriately geeky also. UK Queer as Folk does since one of the main characters is a Doctor Who fan. US QaF kinda does but not quite since that character's counterpart has his geek flag toned down. Another obstacle is finding stuff that Hannah can get access to, either through Netflix or the Internet Fairy. As you heard, I grew up with Jem and Dawson's Creek while Hannah hadn't. The perks of having an older sister with a crazy grip on the remote. Still, while we're on the more girly end of the spectrum right now, we're going for some variety. I have something big planned for the June segment.

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The main problem is finding things that are appropriately geeky also. UK Queer as Folk does since one of the main characters is a Doctor Who fan.

Obviously I'm biased, but Doctor Who, especially the classic series, has always had an ENORMOUS gay fanbase.

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You could possibly have an episode dedicated to comic writers and their major comic works, for example Marc Andreyeko, and his work on Manhunter, and his current run on Captain America and Bucky with Ed Brubaker.

One of the main characters from QAF US was a big comic fan, and in one series, he left his job to start his own comic shop. Don't ask how I know that.

It just intrigues me, how and what you will be covering down the line in the gay category.

Anyway, the audio isn't a big issue. It was your first episode, there's bound to be issues like that, but it's better to notice them now, then to be told about it twenty episodes down the line.

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