Episode 85


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The Doctor's role as the master manipulator begins to shine through as his earliest adventure on Earth is retconned into something rather sinister in "Remembrance of the Daleks." And in "The Happiness Patrol," The Doctor and Ace are far from happy when they discover an emotionally oppressed society run by a tyrant and her candy-skinned assassin! Before starting this episode, keep the following questions in mind: what will Dan and Mike have to say about The Doctor's final act against Skaro, did Mike have a change of heart about "The Happiness Patrol," and just how awesome is the Special Weapons Dalek? (The answer to the last one is easy: freaking awesome!) Also, make sure to listen all the way to the end of the program for a special message from our friend Tom Deja. [ 1:59:44 || 57.6 MB ]

To listen, click here: http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/biggerontheinside/episodes/bigger_085.mp3

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The bit in remembrance nobody ever talks about. Is that bit where the doctor and ACE are in the van. ACE is driving and says "if you dont like it then you drive". Then they turn the corner, and the doctor is driving. Thats is someting they would not have even done in the Williams era. But I have never heard anyone talk about how silly it is.

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Remembrance is one of my fave stories, the faults you point out have never really bothered me, except for the Dalek's talking too much instead of shooting...and that's really only the episode 2 cliffhanger which really bothers me.

Regarding the "Roll-on Deodorant" casing that Davros is inside, it's inspired by the Dalek comic strip from the 1960's, in which the Dalek Emperor was a golden dalek with a globed head -


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I'll tell you why that page is wrong:

01. All of that information is cited as coming from the episode, but it does not.

02. The Doctor doesn't say the dog is a Stigorax, he says it sounds like a Stigorax / Sycorax.

Even if I'm wrong and he did say Stigorax, I cannot consider that page as being accurate. (That's not me knocking you, Stovepipe; I'm knocking the page.)

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Honestly, that bit really doesn't bother me. I barely notice it. It's nothing like as obvious or wink-wink as a Graham Williams-era Baker joke. It's not terribly funny, but it's not terribly obnoxious either, IMO.

I think it just about works because they don't draw too much attention to it afterwards. Ace looks confused for a second, then we just go on with the scene.

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