BOTI Ratings Posted


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With the classic era coming to a close I wondered if there would be any chance of seeing the classic era score card being posted someplace. Unlike The DCAU which I would not have asked for the scores of which could have made the listening drop a bit, Doctor Who is something that is on DVD mostly on a story by story basis. This becomes hard to tell the good stuff from the crap when in the store thinking if one should buy a story or not without filtering through the shows again and comparing them to what is in the store. This is something I think could be very helpful and hope may be considered. I know that I love BOTI and will listen and re-listen but to have a list for when I can't recall what you guys thought and need to know at the drop of a hat would be extra convenient and again, helpful.


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To be honest, Skyler, I'm not totally sure how feasible that would be. Unlike WFP, we didn't rate the stories out of 5 or 10 or whatever; we just talked about what we liked and what we didn't, and it got pretty subjective.

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I know I am just a noob here but it might also be relevant to note that Mike and Dan disagreed on a large number of episodes. Also that a lot of very poor episodes qualified for the "get some mates and some booze" stamp of excellence in being terrible beyond words but still essential viewing. And lastly that for every episode that was hammered there was always someone who emailed in to disagree.

Best thing is to look at the "top 200" pole. It represents the Dr Who collective opinion and while it might be fair to say some episodes are ranked too high or too low it is fairly representative of what is good and what is bad. The link is.....

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The top 200 poll obviously diverged from our opinions quite frequently, but it's an excellent place to start. A story that placed really highly on that poll is pretty much guaranteed to be awesome, and I TOTALLY agree with its ranking of Caves at number one.

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To be honest, Skyler, I'm not totally sure how feasible that would be. Unlike WFP, we didn't rate the stories out of 5 or 10 or whatever; we just talked about what we liked and what we didn't, and it got pretty subjective.

That's totally true and I can't believe I forgot such a key factor of my request. Honestly this makes it sound like I don't listen to the show enough even though it's one of the shows with the most plays on my iPod. Thanks though anyway for taking it's into consideration despite the silliness of it. I will look at the top 200 next time I'm at the store as well as some other recommendations from another friend of mine.


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