Episode 521


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On 25 May 1977, an unsuspecting public was exposed to the first installment of what would become the biggest film franchise of all time: Star Wars! Now, 35 years later, Dan Toland and Michael David Sims begin a six-part look at George Lucas' legendary contribution to cinema. [ 4:31:55 || 131.0 MB ]

To listen, click here: http://www.earth-2.net/theshow/episodes/e2ts_521.mp3

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Awesome episode!!! A few things:

I own the 1997-released, VHS copy of A New Hope and the dinosaur-like skeleton on Tatooine IS there.

I think when you get to Phantom Menace, you should have a "Queen Amidala changes her dress" count.

Finally, while I am more of a Harry Potter fan than a Star Wars fan and financially Harry Potter is the bigger film franchise, I don't think that the cultural impact of the Potter films even comes close to that of Star Wars. Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Yoda, and Darth Vader have have left a much bigger footprint on western pop culture than Harry, Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Dumbledore, and Voldemort have, even if you add the impact of the Potter books to those of the Potter films.

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There's a special Star Wars-related treat taking up the last 90 minutes. ;)

Yes, but even though we CLEARLY actually said, out loud, in straightfoward English, that we had been talking for three hours at one point, I did not realize that we actually spoke for over three hours.

However, the special Star Wars-related treat kicks fucking ASS.

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I'm about 45 minutes in so far, and loving this episode. Gotta mention that I was equally pumped to see these films, in fact during my formative years only three or four films really had me holding my breath going in- X-men (the official post-Blade move into serious Marvel movies), Spider-man (the biggest Marvel movie character), The Phantom Menace (Seriously, of everything they did the thing they did best was promotion) and the re-release of Star Wars. For both Star Wars films I went to the ABC in Bristol, now sadly closed, and I was incredibly pumped for both. Star Wars was the most memorable, I remember who I was with, I remember drinking in the opening with the Star Destroyer, everything. I hadn't seen those films since our family had ditched the Betamax player but kept the tapes of them, so they could taunt me by sitting in a cupboard and being unplayable.

Loving this episode so far guys, the EU talk, the background, everything. Even though the later films are tirades-worthy it's good to have the original trilogy in play, especially with some old school fans like yourselves walking us through it.

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Finished it. Awesome episode guys, it flew by. This might be an obvious thing to say but of all the people that Mike could have co-hosted this with I can't imagine someone doing a better job than Dan, absolutely the right guy for this review series.

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Finished it. Awesome episode guys, it flew by. This might be an obvious thing to say but of all the people that Mike could have co-hosted this with I can't imagine someone doing a better job than Dan, absolutely the right guy for this review series.

No doubt, after that Grumpy Old Fans segment for episode 500 and now this I'll instantly listen to anything these to do no matter what subject it is.

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  • 8 months later...

From the first time I saw Star Wars there was one scene that stuck out, the setting of Yavin. I was convinced it was a Maya Ruin that I visited as a small child. For years I ignored it but tonight I was browsing Mayan history and found an event that archaeologist call "the Star War" where the Mayans of Tikal went to war with Xunantunich. With renewed curiosity I found out that it was not the ruins I ventured as a child, but a Mayan ruin.

Tikal is the tallest ruin, so I can see why Lucas chose that spot. It would make sense that at least some archaeologists would be Star Wars fans and name an event after the movie. In fact I think one of the writers, James Luceno, excavates Maya ruins for fun.

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  • 1 year later...

Funny thing about Threepio being...well...Threepio is that there is a national sports radio talk show host who decided to make a running gag out of former baseball firstbaseman for the Blue Jays, Mets, Mariners and Yankees, John Olerud because of several things. One was that due to a brain anyersum Olerud had in his pre-professional days had to wear a batting helmet when he played the field, and second Rome found that Olerud didn't seem to be the talkative, or expressive type in interviews, and usually made a gag that he'd walk into a room, say nothing, then leave. In other words very robot like. So, Rome's moniker for John Olerud?


Quite possibly the least deserving robotic character to ever use to hang a nickname over someone you deem to be stereotypical "robotic!"

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