X-men Draft


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With Blink in tow, Agency X can begin their recruiting in earnest, because moving from San Francisco to New York is as easy as a


Slightly off-put from the rapid teleportation, Hope stumbles forward, only for Blink to catch her with a rosy hand.

Blink: I promise, you'll get used to that.

Hope, looking slightly green, smiles.

Hope: I really hope so.

Deadpool pulls his mask up, over his face, and in a back corner, vomits, loudly.

Deadpool: Can I be used to it yet?

Suddenly, a huge hand grabs Wade by the head, slamming him into a wall.

???: You got a lot of nerve coming back here, Deadpool. I've told you to leave Theresa alone.

Strong Guy tosses Deadpool nearly half a block down the street, leaving the merc with a mouth bouncing into a car, before skidding to a bloody stop.

Hope: Guido, Mr. Carosella, Strong Guy, whatever! Ignore Wade for a minute!

Guido turns his head from Deadpool and looks over Hope and Blink, before smiling sheepishly.

Strong Guy: Sorry, Deadpool kind of stalks a friend of mine, gets on my nerves.

Hope: I have Wade on a pretty short leash, Guido, don't worry. I'm here to ask for your help, I'm...

Strong Guy: Hope Summers, I know.

Hope: So you know why I'm here, then, too?

Strong Guy: That is still something of a mystery.

Hope: You've got something of a reputation, Guido. People say that you're one of the most genuine guys out there. An honest and true nice guy, that, you of all people have a good heart.

Strong Guy: You can flatter me all you want, I ain't going to pick up Deadpool's carcass.

Hope: He'll be fine. Guido, I want you to join up with us. Join Agency X and help me save the world.

Strong Guy: Ih, Why not?

Blink: Wait, really, no question of what our mission is, or why we're doing this?

Strong Guy: Nah, I can figure that all out as we go. I just like pummeling Deadpool.


Strong Guy is the moral center of Agency X. Alongside the world-weary Blink, the naïve Hope, and the crazy Deadpool, Guido Carosella is going to make sure the team stays with it's mission and truly improves the world. Don't forget that he's able to channel kinetic energy into raw physical strength, too. That part is important.

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And Strong Guy goes off my list of potential tanks. Good pick, Preston.

As we go over the hump, here's every person that has been called an X-Man that has not been picked. For consideration, they have to have been in a book with the name X-Men in it and not a member of a junior team. Note, not including the couple of retconned characters i.e. Sway and Terra. * means depowered, + means dead. By now means feel an obligation to pick any of them. If you pick Maggot or either Xorn, wow, you really are a stickler for pain, aren't you?





Jubilee *But is now a vampire

Fantomex (Seriously surprised Preston hasn't grabbed him yet.)





Sage +ish


Banshee +






Xorn (Yeah, good luck with that.) +


Omega Sentinel

Thinderbird III

Stacy X *

Shen Xorn

Maggot +

Marrow *


Slipstream *





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Thunderbird (a.k.a. John Proudstar)

Though not the most powerful member of my team, Thunderbird will be what the Juggernaut is to X-Force and what Strong Guy is to Agency X. As for how he's returned from the dead, that will depend upon whether I get my desired villain pic or not. If so, it will have to do with him (Thunderbird won't be a member of the team from the start); if not--I don't fuckin' know.


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Thunderbird (a.k.a. John Proudstar)

Though not the most powerful member of my team, Thunderbird will be what the Juggernaut is to X-Force and what Strong Guy is to Agency X. As for how he's returned from the dead, that will depend upon whether I get my desired villain pic or not. If so, it will have to do with him (Thunderbird won't be a member of the team from the start); if not--I don't fuckin' know.


If worse comes to worse, change to Warpath, James Proudstar. Same power set and everything.

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The ruins of Genosha stare down on Jean as she walks through them. It's been so long since the Sentinals murdered the entire counrty. This is where mutandkind had begun it's downfall. Some refugees still live here with no place else to go, even after Selene attempted to ascend to godhood from it's ashes. Jean is looking for one of them, his mind is calmed, he must be meditating. She waits a few hours until he appears to be done to approach.

"Josh Foley?" Jean asks the young man with metallic black skin under the dormant Sentinel.

He looks up and recognizes her. "I thought I told Wolverine I wanted to be left alone."

"Do I look like Wolverine? I want to help you." Jean says. She offers a hand. Josh looks at it.

"Are you going to give me some mental block bullshit because that seems to be what psychics do any time you can't control your power."

Jean nods and laughs, "If that's what you want, I won't harass you anymore. I wasn't going to say it's a psychic block, I was going to say that when you appear to be stuck in your black form, it appears to be a representation of guilt over something. This wasn't helped by when Wolverine recruited you to his X-Force and you had to use your powers to learn to kill. I remember when I was headmistress, we gauged that you were an omega mutant with an unlimited ability to affect a person's biology, correct?"

Josh nods. "If I can control it. Mostly I seem to be better at burning out their cells. I can actually feel each cell die when I do that."

"We can help you. Laura recommended you highly. I want to put together a a new team that's going to change the world."

Josh walks over to a corner and picks up a bag. He walks to Jeans, puts on a glove, and finally shakes her hand.

"Okay. Here's my stipulations. I'm going to give you a year. If within a year I don't get over my so-called guilt, then I want you to drop me off back here and make the world forget I exist. I'm pretty sure you can do that. If you mess with my mind, our deal is null and void then. When someone is in your mind, it causes slight changes to the brain cells. I can feel those," Josh says.

They walk back to the X-Jet Jean has waiting. Genosha stands dead around them.


Elixir is an Omega-level mutant capable of affecting the body's biology in an unlimited number of ways. Superficially, he seems only capable of healing while in his gold form while his black form is death.

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No one's really sure why Corsair is there, or even how he got there. He just showed up one day and insisted on being on the team, cause he wanted to make the world a better place for his kids and innumerable grandkids, and he hadn't exactly done the greatest job of being a father.

Kitty secretly suspects that he wants to get closer to his kids in possibly the most embarassing way possible, but she's cool with it. The team does need someone with experience with the intergalactic end of things, and Corsair fits that area perfectly.

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Uncanny X-Force needs a moral side to their team. Unfortunately, Scott is sick of playing by the rules, and joins Magneto's team, for one reason, revenge against those that have persecuted his kind.

When Magneto informs him of why he is putting the team together, he has no choice, but to say yes.

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I was getting to the point where I was going to pick him to bring the joke full circle. But, onward and upward:

Henry McCoy was a talented young geneticist working under Mr. Sinister, one of Apocalypse's Horsemen. It was McCoy's cruelty above and beyond that of those he worked under that earned him the nickname Beast. When he found himself surviving the Age of Apocalypse universe, he saw that his 616 version was a kinder gentler Beast. Ole Dark Beast don't play that way, though. And sometimes you need someone who's willing to go the extra mile.


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HA! Awesome pick Dan, just incredible. Wish I'd thought of him.

For the fifth round I choose-


Sauron! Master of the Savage Land who gains his powers from leeching mutants' very life essence! Following his traumatic experiences both as a part of and at the hands of Weapon X, Professor X takes pity on this dangerous simpleton, believing that even he can learn to be a productive member of society. The search continues to recover the personality of Kyle Lykos hidden deep within, but for now this team must try to deal with one of their most unpredictable foes fighting at their side.

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Guido stepped down from the X-Factor Investigations Doorway, a large black duffle bag over his shoulder.

Strong Guy: Nobody else was home, but I left a note.

Deadpool grinned.

Deadpool: You left a note, so no one has to lose an arm!


Strong Guy: Don't ruin things I like, Wade, or else I'm throwing you farther next time.

Deadpool remained silent.

Strong Guy: Alright, ladies, where are we headed?

Blink smirked and began to light up her hands with pink energy, preparing to teleport. But a voice rang out, stopping her in her tracks.

Layla Miller.

The blonde hustled over to Guido and quickly whispered something in his ear. Behind his coke bottle glasses, Guido's eye's went wide.

Hope: Excuse me, we were kind of in the middle of something important here.

Layla looked over Hope, a slightly superior smirk on her face.

Layla: I'm sure you were, but you don't know what I know.

Hope stared back, fire in her eyes.

Hope: Right. Layla Miller. You... “know stuff.” And what do you know that I don't?

Layla broke into a full on grin, here.

Layla: Lots. But what you need to know is how much you need me, Red.

Blink: Yeah, listen, that's not how this works. We came for Strong Guy, we got Strong Guy, we're leaving. No need for you, Ms. Miller.

Guido shook his head.

Strong Guy: Listen, that ain't how this works. Layla really does know stuff, and it's better to just listen to her, even if you don't know where she's going with this.

Hope: Are you sure?

Strong Guy: Sure, I'm sure. I'm so sure that if you don't take Layla, I ain't comin' either.

Hope sighed, looking at Blink and then Deadpool.

Deadpool: I really, really don't like this.

Blink: I actually agree with him. This isn't right.

Hope nodded.

Hope: Nope, it's not. But what choice do we have. Matter of fact, we could all be wrong, this could really pay off.

Hope turned back to Guido and Layla.

Hope: Alright, fine, both of you, come on.

As Layla approached, Wade pulled her aside. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, deadly serious.

Deadpool: I don't want you here, but I'm trusting Hope. You step out of line once, though, and I promise you, I'm coming for you. And if you hurt Hope, I promise that you'll die hard and slow. I will make you suffer.

Layla Miller smiles.

Layla: I know...


Layla Miller “knows stuff,” as a matter of fact she knows exactly where Agency X is going. And she knows that they need her to survive it. She's not sharing the how or the why just yet, but when she lights up the Gauntlet made for her by Dr. Doom, it's hard to argue her place as an asset. That doesn't even begin to count her significant mystical powers, again, from Dr. Doom. And that discounts her mutant ability to restore life to the newly dead. Layla may end up being more trouble than she's worth, but she's worth a fair bit.

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