Dread Media needs help!


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Hey guys, the following I posted in the Facebook group yesterday, so i thought I'd post it here too if anyone had the inclination:

State of the Podcast:

Hey people, here's something that's been on my mind for some time. I'm interested in your ideas and thoughts on the following.

For close to six years I have produced AT LEAST a weekly episode of Dread Media. With the exception of the DW-hosted episode (which I also produced), I have hosted, edited, and programmed all of them happily. On top of all that, there has been a bunch of extra content in Dread Media Presents which I am also happily still producing.

With the exception of a few small donations (which I am eternally grateful for) the show has been produced at my expense. The microphones, headphones, software, long distance phone charges for co-reviews and interviews, content to review, music and the computer it's all been produced on have all been my responsibility. And again, I've been happy to do it.

The help from sponsors has been great, but minimal as it's mostly been with the giving of gifts/gift certificates and not money.

Dread Media has provided me a creative outlet beyond my writing that is far less frustrating. It's helped me meet a horde of people (ie: you) that I would happily call friends. I don't use the word "fan" when I talk about the listeners. You are complicit in this venture with me, by virtue of listening and commenting.

I want that to continue.

Now, the thrust of this post: the computer that this entire thing has been produced with (with the exception of ONE of the segments I recorded as a segment on Earth-2.net the Show) is slowly dying. I'm sad about it. It has been an extension of me and I have been using and abusing it to an epic degree for nigh-on seven years.

I can't afford a new computer.

So, this is where you come in. If everyone who listened to this show donated a dollar, I would be able to sustain this show two times over and then some, but I don't think that's a practical expectation. I've thought about an on-podcast pledge drive, but I'm not sure I want it to interfere with the regular show. I have been thinking about an Indiegogo campaign where I can give back to you guys, and I think that's where I'm leaning most heavily.

I will be needing more than 3000 dollars to continue with the show. I don't know when I need it, but the longer I wait to do this, the quicker that time comes.

So, I thank you for reading this, and I look forward to your thoughts and ideas. This is not me trying to hold the show hostage or anything. But the show will not continue after this computer dies without some serious help.


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