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Posts posted by DTS

  1. Mightily impressed that Mike knew that 1643 was pretty much the conflict nexus of the English Civil War!

    That being said, that exchange you're so fond of ("You speak treason!" "Fluently") is lifted directly from Errol Flynn's "Adventures of Robin Hood"

    JUst so you can see for yourselves. This movie was big at our house and we quote it quite often. When I first saw the Awakening and heard that line I think I squealed

    It's at 2:30, give or take.


  2. As four-ish of the five Doctors try to save their very existence, a traitor is revealed on the High Council of Time Lords! Say it ain't so, Rassilon! This is it! Join Dan and Mike as they gush over "The Five Doctors," a special 20 years in the making! [ 1:43:20 || 49.7 MB ]

    The above is from: http://www.earth-2.net/podcasts/biggerontheinside/episodes/bigger_074.mp3

    In discussing "Closing Time" you guys didn't mention that Val was played by Lynda Baron, the same actress who played Captain Wrack. With you just having done "Enlightenment" and speaking of Wrack's OTT acting, I thought you would have caught that.

  3. I'd show the first episode of An Unearthly Child just to see how it started. Ignore the rest. The Pyramids of Mars was my first story 30 years ago so I think that worked :smilewinkgrin: I used Talons on my niece and nephew and they watch when they can but not as devoted. Busy teenage lives, I guess.

    Other Doctors: THe Aztecs, Tomb of the Cybermen, Time Warrior, The Visitation/Black Orchid, Mark of the Rani, Remembrance of the Daleks

  4. When I first watched this as a teen, it really didn't stick with me. It was in more recent memory after making a video trade, that I rediscovered the wow factor of this story. It's very "Ten Little Indians" in the fact that we have an isolated group being killed off one-by-one. Talons has long been my favorite despite the sterotypes and Anglos cast as Asians. I usually used this to introduce people to the series

  5. As I wrote in earlier, Pyramids was the first ep I seriously watched. It was shortly after King Tut's tour of the States (1979) so I was into Egyptology at the time. I think the amazing thing about Sutekh is that he can be menacing without moving. I love the gothic tinged episodes and we have another with Morbius coming up.