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Posts posted by lonewolf3676

  1. Having "read" all the Twilight books (I've got the audiobook collection).~waiting for laughter at a thirty-plus old man being a twihard~I'd have to agree that this movie sucks quite a lot. I was so waiting for Bella to do more than try to choke Jacob out when he turned into creepy old man for loving her daughter. In the book she shatters his arm. Also as for Preston's comment that Bella can't think for herself, she was able to snap her bloodlust off the human by herself when Edward snapped her focus. The only problem I have after that is the "dream sequence" was added to add action, because in the book there was no fight and the Catholic Vamps left after they couldn't get the Cullen & Co. to fight no matter how much Aro and his friends tried to provoke them. So there were some things missing and things that didn't need to be there for the sake of dramatic license, but that's the way Hollywood is. While this might be the end of the base Twilight Saga, if Steph makes any more in the Twilight universe you know it'll come back and we'll have more acid filled reviews from Preston which made me laugh. Keep it going man.