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Posts posted by greenelou

  1. Thanks so much for giving us the best Doctor Who podcast around!!! Listening to BOTI has enhanced my enjoyment of both classic and new Who, and I'll never be able to watch The Horns of Nimon without hearing Dan's "Lord Nimonnnnn" call or see the Master without remembering some of Mike's,uhhhhh, creative theories :) Can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about Star Trek!

  2. Nothing Moffatt's written has ever offended me as a female, although to be honest, I'm more likely to be looking for flagrant violations of Doctor Who cannon than potential sexism! I have to agree with Dan, I think any lack in Moffatt's female characters is probably due to his limitations as a writer rather than any raging misogyny in his psyche :)

  3. Hurt was terrific. I shouldn't have been surprised by that - he's John Hurt - but he so effortlessly became the Doctor that I wish that there was some way, any way, we could have more with him.

    Maybe a mini series showing Hurt's Doctor, like what the BBC does with Sherlock! Probably won't happen but it could be pretty awesome.

  4. Another Classic Who connection I think I picked up on in A Good Man Goes to War was the music when the Doctor puts on the hood again. It could just be me, but it had a bounciness(I guess?) that felt like Classic Who music.

    That's a pretty cool idea, I'll have to give it a good listen next time I rewatch!

  5. The Silences should be able to avoid being killed if they stay away from the humans, so I saw it more as a way to keep the humans safe and warn off the Silences from messing with them than killing an entire species outright.

    I could see that, but I wish Steven Moffat had been clear about it.Also, welcome to the forums!

    Agreed, and it would have made the Doctor look even more clever! Thank you for the welcome, this forum definitely looks like a place where many great minds have gathered :)