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Posts posted by Electronaut

  1. I'm a big fan of Warren's work. His run on Authority is the only one that counts in my book. Planetary and Global Frequency are really solid works, too.

    I had some mixed feelings about Ministry, though.

    Overall, I really enjoyed it. Chris Weston should be the only artist allowed to draw the British. I don't know why I'm saying it. Just read Grant Morrison's The Filth and you'll understand.

    I really liked the concept. Much like in Orbiter, Warren shows his firm belief in the space program and how much can be gained with the exploration of our solar system.

    The flaws I saw in it were few but they stuck out enough to annoy me.

    First off is the "anti-American" issue. I'm not saying that Warren hates the US or anything as asinine as that. It's just that some of his work (stormwatch, authority, ministry of space) casts a poor light on the US. Perhaps this is some strange sense of patriotism, or whatever, but seeing those GIs at Peenemunde<sp?>, you know, the ones from the Overtly Western Hillbilly Battalion, get bombed by the British really struck a cord with me.

    Not only that, but the fact that it took almost 60 friggin' years for the US and Russia to finally start getting into the Space not-so-much-a Race. How does that work? Apparently having one Nazi scientist and an over-confident project leader will ensure that you'll be in the Buck Rogers Age by 2001.

    The issue here is believability. Even with their "special funding" I don't see Britain attaining as much as they did in that little amount of time. I understand it's fiction but damn that Warren for setting those goals so high! :P

    Warren really does make you dream of a time where such a utopia is possible and I love that. The only problem is that the catch didn't get me (I actually guessed it after reading the first issue way back in the day but that's not the point). I ended up agreeing with the main character in the end. Who cares?

    Overall, a great work that's worth getting in TPB, despite the "flaws" which are probably just my nitpickings.

    BTW - Darque, what was your impression of the last panel of the last issue. Private message me, please.

  2. [M]ost of the characters he currently writing are set in New York City which has a very high Jewish population -- so even non-Jewish characters, such as Peter Parker, might drop a word now and then simply because they've picked it up from their surroundings.

    Didn't consider that. Thanks.

    One other quibble, though, is the repeat.

    Example: UXM #44, Page 8

    Panel 4

    Fury: And, I believe, your brother.

    Scott: Whose brother?

    Fury: Your brother.

    Scott: My brother?

    Fury: Your brother, Alex.

    Panel 5

    Scott: My brother is doing what?

    Fury: He is one of the President's new mutants.

    Scott: My brother is doing what?

    Fury: Yes.

    I dunno. Just feels...uncomfortable. <shrug>

  3. Yep. It wasn't anywhere as bad as the critics made it out to be. There are some spots where it really shows that this is Hensleigh's first shot at being director, but other than that I thought the movie turned out well. It managed to capture the overall mood of Garth Ennis's "Welcome Back, Frank" arc and mix it with a very Western feel. At one point there's a showdown in a lobby (scene from the trailer) that I was an homage to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Really fun. Go see it!

  4. Personally, I wasn't sure whether or not 1602 was going to have any major bearing on the Marvel continuity, or if the primary reason people were buying it was because of Gaiman. After reading the final issue, I'm still a little in the dark.