The Wife

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Posts posted by The Wife

  1. I stand by what I said in the previous poll: He took an oath to defend and protect. The ripples of this man's sinister manipulation would be felt throughout the country. Stuckey was truly a douche but affected one woman and one man. Jessup's pride got someone killed and forever altered the lives of every young man under his leadership. Plus, Jessup had to have worked his way up to get where he is. By demonstrating blatant disregard for his soldiers he forgot his roots. That hurts even more.

  2. This, Gentlemen, is why I married my husband. Eloquent, noble, chivalrous, whip-smart and so pretty (that last qualification came as a perk). He's also right: Robbie waves the vinegar flag at full mast, but Stuckey, Stuckey tries to stake it in the ground. Stuckey, you are old. You are a lawyer. You are the epitome of sleaze and have had a lifetime of experience (probably preying on the weak) to learn something. Robbie will inevitably get his ass kicked at college not only by the real boys there, but because the feminist revolution is about to start, he's in for some good learnin'.

    Stuckey, who lives and works well after the feminist rev, has apparently not received the memo. Hey, shithead, women don't respond well to unsubstantiated advances. Not even women who, in his view, are beneath him socially. Stuckey, you're almost 40 and I can smell your inferiority complex well into the next century. Men who behave like children have my vote, hands down.

  3. Why I loathe Colonel Jessup Part I:

    1. Sexual harassment of Demi Moore (or rather, a ranked military official) in a professional setting; cannot debase another officer other than to pull personal information (i.e, her gender) into his rhetoric to shame her, thereby lowering her professional status. He does this so that he, who is already a higher rank than she, can feel even loftier. Suck it, Jessup.

    2. I hate bullies more than villains. Humperdink is a villain and has not risen to power based on an oath to defend and protect the citizens of his nation. Jessup did. He lied to a country that trusted him to be noble. Princes and kings in the renaissance era were not known for their nobility. No one expected Humperdink to be a hero.

    3. I was bullied in elementary school, junior high school and high school. I hate Old Boys clubs.

    4. Eyebrows. It's all in the eyebrows. Look at him.

  4. Great argument, Pandy. I'm going with Nick, though. In terms of lives ruined throughout the course of the movie, we can actively say that both are equal offenders. However, because Nick has taken on the role of a father, he has obligated himself to position of responsibility. Robbie has actively denied that role with regards to Penny, at least being honest about his douchery. For me, any time you actively take on a responsibility, especially to a child, you are and should be held accountable for your actions. Taking advantage of women will undoubtedly shape the way Nick's daughter view the world (not to mention Marissa Tomei's view of it now) and therefore, his influence is far more despicable to me than a rich frat boy's excursions. Even as a college girl I knew to stay away from them. Take that boys. Take that.

  5. You all convinced me. Though I find it interesting that some people find Maggie to be the worst offender in the whole competition. I tend to wonder if that's because most or all of you are guys. Shoe on the other foot-- Nick Marshal? Tony? Anyone? Men (at least in films) do Maggie behavior often. This is nothing new to me in a character, it's just different cause this one's a woman. All the same, it's shitty and nobody deserves to be stranded at the alter.

  6. I'm all Steff too. With Steff, he's not remorseful. Not even close. And I know, he's not the main character but you know that if that character goes on in college (which he will because his parents are rich and douchie enough to support his parties and shady-ass lifestyle, they can send him to school) that he'll be the guy in the bar slipping roofies to everything with cleavage and will someday be arrested for child porn or trafficking. At least Nick repents at the end.

  7. No, Jessup is the worst of all. Just look at him. He looks evil with them dam eyebrows and plus he treats Demi Moore like a hooker. Let's not forget how many years he has run the camp there, ruining young cadets' lives forever and grinning smugly. Don't know if I'd feel so strongly if it were played by another actor, but with Nicholson in the role, it's vinegar city.

  8. This was tough for me. It's the Lieutenant though. Think about how many people's lives he impacted versus a douchebag college-boy with runaway digit. Yes, he gets a girl pregnant and sleeps with more than a few others, but at least he gets punished at the end. The cop's probably 107 now and still doesn't know what he did wrong.

  9. Hey, wait, we are not voting for Scrooge. Scrooge was dead 200 years before the making of this movie. Anyway, I agree with the idea that Frank redeems himself (if redeeming oneself can be done by making a dramatic self-promotion on live television while managing to retain an air of arrogant sarcasm) at the end of the film. I also do not believe that, were Beetlejuice about about Otho, that a) Otho would have redeemed himself and b) that anyone would have ever watched that movie because that would be lame.

  10. I know, I know. Going on a limb here so far. But the thing is, Ronny's not a young man. With age and experience should come wisdom, not temper tantrums and adultery. There comes a point in life where you are no longer allowed to get away with childish behavior and Val is not yet at that age, Ronny is like 30 years past it.

  11. I'm with Will on this. Even though Jim is an ass and potentially a murderer, Nedry knew that he was responsible for the lives of everyone on and then later off the island. He subjects children to being eaten by genetically engineered monsters and he laughs. Douche.