Mitch from Omaha

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Posts posted by Mitch from Omaha

  1. The actor was an adult though. He's more than a valid target.

    The actor was 17 when he joined the cast. By every legal definition, he was a child. Dan and Mike began bashing him with his first episode, and never let up. They bullied a child. There is no way around it. They are absolutely giddy, gleeful even, as they do so.

    Does it make them feel better about themselves? It's sickening. I've worked with bullied kids, and the joy Dan and Mike take in tearing apart a child - both actor and character - is disgusting.

  2. Lost so much respect for you guys with the opening of this episode. Adric is far from one of my favorite characters, but you've been bashing him since his intro. It reminds me of the crap Wil Wheaton got for his performance in ST:TNG. It's way over the top, and you've gone from honest critique of the show to, well, bullying. I don't know why you thought it was appropriate, but bullying a kid (and he IS a kid!) is never OK.

  3. I've finally made it to episode 62, and find that I disagree with your reviews of both stories.

    Nimon - I finally saw this story about three years ago. I had always heard that it was terrible, one of the worst stories ever made of any series, and other similar comments. My expectations were low going in. Did that help? Probably. I enjoyed the story start to finish. Yes, there were times the actors looked up, saw the top, jumped up over the top, and then added booster rockets. I don't care. It was pure entertainment. Knowing that I would be listening to this today, I went back and re-watched the story with fresh eyes, to see if I still enjoyed it. I do, every bit. For me, it holds up. As one of you said recently, every single story is somebody's favorite. (still counts, even though it's not my number 1)

    Shada - I'm sorry, guys, but ... this one is just OK. I think the idea of this being a "lost" story makes it better in fans' eyes in much the same way we look fondly at the idea of Galaxy Four, Power of the Daleks, Macra Terror, or Celestial Toymaker. Since the full story does not exist, we rate it higher than we might if we had the whole thing in pristine condition. This was another example of six episodes being too long for the story, and a wee bit too much padding. That said, the audio remake from Big Finish, complete with Eight asking something along the lines of "Haven't we done this before?" to Romana, is miles better. I have the 3-disc DVD of this, and will give it another go one of these days. Maybe I can track down the Ian Levine version as well, and see if that reconstruction holds up better?

  4. *blink* OK, in this episode, Michael says he's never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. Granted, this episode is from three years ago. Has he seen them since then? If not, with all the crossovers between DW and HP, what is he waiting for?

  5. Pyramids - This is one of those stories that people either love or hate. I'm in the love category. I was happy to hear you two gushing over it like the fanboys you are. I was doing the exact same thing. I could hear the joy in both of your voices while talking about this classic (and it IS a classic!).

    Android - Meh. I'm sorry, but every time we get another Terry Nation script, it just reinforces my perception that he's a one trick pony. He hit it big with the Daleks, and basically coasted for the rest of his career. I'm kind of surprised it was only four painful parts instead of six excrutiating parts.

  6. Listening to this 'cast, I remembered again how much I enjoyed Time Warrior. I met Jeremy Bulloch a few years ago at a Star Wars event, and we ended up talking, just the two of us in a corner, for over an hour about his various roles on Doctor Who, and how much he enjoyed doing the audio book for this story. I pulled the DVD out and watched it again, and it still holds up for me.

    Then I thought Invasion couldn't really be that bad, right? Sure I have the DVD, but there are quite a few I haven't had a chance to watch yet. I'll just pop it in and see. I'm usually more forgiving of the older Doctor Who stories, knowing how little they had to work with.

    Big sigh. Everything I want to say about the sheer ineptitude of the people making this story is full of expletives. Without exception, every person involved in this story phoned it in. Yes. It really IS as bad as you've said.

  7. Looking at this episode from a 2014 perspective, it's interesting what Michael and Dan had predicted. The first example is "Why haven't the Ice Warriors been brought back?" ... As we now know, they came back just last year, in an episode with David Warner. The other is discussion about the regeneration rule. They had been discussing a rumor about Matt Smith leaving after his then-upcoming second year, and there was question about whether they would gloss over the rule, or if it would be addressed.

    As seen in Time of the Doctor, it was addressed, with a whole new set of regenerations.

    They had also talked about how much better some of the Pertwee episodes were in black and white. I don't know if they have tried this, but my tv has a setting that allows me to change it from color to black and white. I've changed it to watch in B&W on some of the Pertwees, and they come across as much better than when they are in color. I don't know why, but there it is.

    I'm really looking forward to the end of Pertwee's run. He had Liz Shaw, an excellent companion, followed by Useless. I remember adoring Sarah Jane, but in going back to her era with Pertwee, she's like the love child of Useless and Liz. Yeah, she'll go investigate now and then, but she really doesn't bring anything to the story. I know she's *much* better with Baker, but in this era ... she's kind of ... blah.

  8. Starting with the classic era ...

    Hartnell -

    An Unearthly Child
    The Daleks
    The Edge of Destruction
    The Keys of Marinus
    The Aztecs
    The Sensorites
    The Reign of Terror
    Planet of Giants
    The Dalek Invasion of Earth
    The Rescue
    The Romans
    The Web Planet
    The Space Museum
    The Chase
    The Time Meddler
    The Ark
    The Gunfighters
    The War Machines
    The Tenth Planet


    Moonbase SE
    The Tomb of the Cybermen
    The Dominators
    The Mind Robber
    The Invasion
    The Seeds of Death
    The War Games

    Plus Lost in Time, Doctors 1&2


    Spearhead from Space
    Doctor Who and the Silurians
    Terror of the Autons
    The Claws of Axos
    The Curse of Peladon
    The Sea Devils
    The Mutants
    The Time Monster
    The Three Doctors
    Carnival of Monsters
    Dalek War 1 - Frontier in Space
    Dalek War 2 - Planet of the Daleks
    The Green Death
    The Time Warrior
    Monster of Peladon
    Planet of the Spiders

    T. Baker

    The Ark in Space
    The Sontaran Experiment
    Genesis of the Daleks
    Revenge of the Cybermen
    Terror of the Zygons
    Planet of Evil
    Pyramids of Mars
    The Brain of Morbius
    The Seeds of Doom
    The Masque of Mandragora
    The Hand of Fear
    The Deadly Assassin
    The Robots of Death
    The Talons of Weng-Chiang
    Horror of Fang Rock
    The Invisible Enemy / A Girl's Best Friend
    Image of the Fendahl
    The Invasion of Time
    The Key to Time:
    The Ribos Operation (4 episodes)
    The Pirate Planet (4 episodes)
    The Stones of Blood (4 episodes)
    The Androids of Tara (4 episodes)
    The Power of Kroll (4 episodes)
    The Armageddon Factor (6 episodes)
    Destiny of the Daleks
    City of Death
    The Creature From the Pit
    The Horns of Nimon
    Shada (unaired)
    The Leisure Hive
    Full Circle
    State of Decay
    Warrors' Gate
    The Keeper of Traken


    Four to Doomsday
    The Visitation
    Black Orchid
    Arc of Infinity
    Black Guardian 1 - Mawdryn Undead
    Black Guardian 2 - Terminus
    Black Guardian 3 - Enlightenment
    The King's Demons
    The Five Doctors - 25th Anniversary Edition
    Warriors of the Deep
    The Awakening
    Resurrection of the Daleks
    Planet of Fire
    The Caves of Androzani

    C. Baker

    The Twin Dilemma
    Attack of the Cybermen
    Vengeance on Varos
    The Mark of the Rani
    The Two Doctors
    Revelation of the Daleks
    The Mysterious Planet
    Terror of the Vervoids
    The Ultimate Foe


    Time and the Rani
    Delta and the Bannermen
    Remembrance of the Daleks
    Silver Nemesis
    Ghost Light
    The Curse of Fenric


    Movie, region 2 release #2

    Movie, region 1

    Classic Spin-Offs


    The Stranger 1 - Summoned By Shadows

    The Stranger 2 - More Than A Messiah

    Stranger 3 - In Memory Alone

    Stranger 4 - The Terror Game

    Stranger 5 - Breach of the Peace

    Stranger 6 - Eye of the Beholder

    Per Cushing movies box set (Dr Who & the Daleks, Dalek Invasion, and Dalekmania)

    Scream of the Shalka

    Modern Era

    Seasons 1-6 (plus specials) on DVD

    Infinite Quest


    Torchwood seasons 1-4

    Sarah Jane Adventures, seasons 1-5


    Seasons 5 & 6

    A Christmas Carol

    The Doctor, The Widow, and the Wardrobe

    Time of the Doctor

  9. Follow-Up ... I just heard about a Kung Fu Rod Stewart t-shirt, and it sounds like you had several other t-shirts ... I checked out the store, and it's only a few buttons and some commentaries. Where did the shirts go?

  10. Hi folks. I found Bigger on the Inside about a month ago, and have quickly gone through the first 37 podcasts. After downloading them one or two episodes at a time, I spent several hours over the weekend downloading the rest of the episodes. If I've gone this far, I think I'll stick with it.

    I wish I had known about the 'cast a few years ago, as I would be able to listen along and provide feedback "live" but wibby wobbly.

    I'm about to start listening to show 38. I'm sure some things will have changed, but my comments so far ... 1 - Can't agree with you more about Useless. Sorry, I mean Jo Grant. After the Doctor's experiences with Ian and Barbara, Jamie, and Liz - you know, characters who have personalities and aren't complete morons - Useless is a complete downgrade. I finally realized, a season into her era, what their relationship is. She is his pet. He thinks of Useless like any of us would think of a beloved cat or dog. Sure, she can speak, but the Doctor understands every language including baby. She's a companion, not a Companion, and I have never been happier to see an assistant go as when she gets dumped in Green Death.

    2 - I like that you've added a third voice to the mix through Adam. That said, I would love to be able to *hear* what Adam is saying. He starts talking into the microphone and then turns away, or holds the mic several feet away from his mouth, so it becomes inaudible. In order to hear even the slightest bit of what he's saying, I have to turn the sound all the way to the very loudest it can go, which means when you guys come back, the sound is overwhelming. Does the quality of his recordings improve over time? If not, I'll have to skip his bits.

    3 - It looks like you've completed every on-tv story up through and including the regeneration into Capaldi. I haven't looked at the notes for each 'cast, so I don't know this answer - Have you done the other series and spin-offs? I specifically mean Dreamland, Infinite Quest, Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, and the two Cushing movies?