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Posts posted by MatthewMG

  1. Gargoyles

    Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens Myths & Legends



    Darkwing Duck

    Roughnecks: The Starship Trooper Chronicles

    Big Guy & Rusty the Boy Robot

    Teddy Ruxpin

    The Tick


    Best Wars



    Bionic Six

    Aladdin the Series

    Challenge of the Go-bots

    Johnny Quest


    Superman (ruby spears)

    Muppet Babies

    Rocket Robin Hood

    Sam & Max Freelance Police

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


  2. OW. Ow. Ow. I can kinda see where you're coming from but ow :) . The Jurgens Titans is actually one of my favorite runs. I feel like Preston after someone ripped into The Question. Oh well, different strokes and all that.

    To answer your questions, the kid with the flaming hands became Joto, who is supposed to be Hotspot on the cartoon. They changed the name because apparently "Joto" is a dirty word in Spanish (something Jurgens seems to have known, since he had a Spanish speaking character make a joke about it later).

    The pasty girl does become Argent. The hooded character was Lilith from the original Titans series. Yes, they really are called the Titans because of the moon. That's where the aliens were based in issue 2. A reporter overhears Prysm talking about that in issue 3 and misinterprets it as the team's name, setting up a Nightwing team-up in issue 5.

    Re: Robin - Rumor has it Jurgens originally wanted Nightwing to be the mentor but the Batman office refused, so he went with the Atom. Fans later voted for Robin to join the team but the Batman office nixed that as well, forcing Jurgens to settle for the runner up, Captain Marvel Jr.

    Dan Jurgens was the guy who really wanted a teenaged Ray Palmer. He set it up in Zero Hour #1 IIRC. He later took credit for it in a Wizard interview.

    I can sympathize with having issues with the DCAU Question after reading the comics. I read the Jack Kirby Fourth World Omnibuses because I enjoyed his appearances on STAS. However, after seeing Kirby's take on the character the Timm version feels like a petty thug instead of the introspective mastermind from the comics.

    Exiles - The first few issues were drawn by Mike McKone. I know Califore filled in on issues 11 but McKone was on the book `til at least issue 15. Thanks for the warning about issue 90 on.

    Great episode guys! Even the parts I disagreed with. Can't wait until the next one.

  3. Bob Harras didn't oversee the Clone Saga. It started in 1994 when he was still editor of the X-books. Harras didn't become EIC until 1996. In fact, if my old copies of Wizard are correct he was the one who announced that Peter Parker would be returning as Spider-Man. If anything he was the guy who ended the Clone Saga.

  4. I wonder if some of Mike's problems with GO! stem from it being an adaptation. New Teen Titans #1 is a fun comic but it's plot is pretty thin and they cut out a lot of material from the original 25 page issue. They had to stretch the story quite a bit to fill 22 or so minutes. That last fight with Trogarr isn't even in the book.

    Also if Superman can use his super senses to make sure Darkseid won't collide with any innocent people before punching him through those buildings in Destoryer, he can probably use them to make sure there's no danger of debris from said buildings crushing people on the street below. IIRC we don't see anybody getting crushed by debris from those buildings, so it's a safe bet he made sure no one was in the area when he knocked Darkseid in that direction. He wouldn't risk innocent lives just to show off. Just sayin'.

    Argent's in Calling All Titans? I'm gonna have to check that one out!

  5. Wonder Woman: Eyes of the Gorgon

    Black Panther: The Client

    Strangers in Paradise: I Dream of You

    Superman: Secret Identity

    Superman: Birthright

    Pride of Bagdhad

    R.E.B.E.L.S.: The Son and the Stars

    Justice League International Vol 1

    JSA: Justice be Done

    Icon: A Hero's Welcome

    Hawkman: Rise of the Golden Eagle

    Green Arrow: Year One

    Shock Rockets: We Have Ignition

    Billy Batson and the Power of Shazam

    All New Atom: My Life in Miniature

    Diana Prince Wonder Woman Vol 1

  6. Batman: R.I.P. - Disjointed, confusing art, and that Apokolips coda just felt out of place. On the whole, however, this was an exciting and fun romp. Kind of like that BTAS episode "The Terrible Trio," but, y'know, good. 7/10

    Booster Gold 29 - I'm noticing a distressing pattern in Matt Sturges' work. He starts off with an entertaining but padded arc. Unfortunately, by the time he reaches an interesting arc the book gets canceled and he has to rush the conclusion. The main story's The Waters of Mars in the DCU. Kind of clever, but not enough to keep me coming back now that BB's over. 4/10

    Blackest Night 7 - Huh. Is it my imagination or did The Master accurately predict Sinestro's fate a few months ago? A great action issue but I have a problem with

    life originating on Earth. IIRC our planet's about 4 billion years old. I'm pretty sure there are a few races like the New Gods who've been around longer than that.


    Blackest Night Wonder Woman 2 - Bought this for the Mera fight, and it wasn't nearly long enough. 4/10

    Green Lantern 50 - 51 - These were pretty much a string of "Hell Yeah!" moments backed up by some really nice art. Normally I don't care for Mahnke but he really knocked theses issues out of the park. 8/10

    Green Lantern Corps 45 - So it takes three corps and an entire eco system to take down one pissed off Guy Gardner? I can buy that. 8/10

    Groo 100 - The climax never fails to make me cry and the story as a whole never fails to make me feel better. A great way to cheer up after a really shitty day. 10/10

    R.E.B.E.L.S. 13 - Despero: "You care what happens to Earth?"

    Vril Dox: "Not really, no. But if Starro is stopped, I want the credit."

    Hee. Bedard has really nailed Dox's misanthropic altruism. He's also conjured up some twists worthy of Keith Giffen's run on L.E.G.I.O.N. He even found a way to make Blackest Night relevant to the story without bringing back the Black Lanterns. Can't wait for the next issue 9/10.

    R.E.B.E.L.S. 1 - 11 and R.E.B.E.L.S. Annual 1 - I enjoyed 13 so much re-read the entire series. Big thanks to drqshadow for recommending it. I loved the first 60 or so issues of L.E.G.I.O.N., but hated the original R.E.B.E.L.S. and was planning to skip this. Now it's my favorite current title. In Hollywood terms it's Star Wars meets The Dirty Dozen. I'm still bored with the Omega Men and how you do a L.E.G.I.O.N. Blackest Night tie-in without Lyrissa Mallor boggles the mind. These are just quibbles though. A lot of team books strive to portray the cast as a rag-tag band of misfits but this is one of the few to succeed. A worthy revival of a criminally unappreciated franchise. God I hope DC doesn't cancel it.

    Comic Books: 30

    TPBs: 2

    HCs: 7

  7. Just rediscovered Jpod on Bold and laughed my ass off. It's a comedy/drama about a video game designer dealing with the zany antics of his family and co-workers. Much better than it sounds. The whole cast is great, but Alan Thicke is spectacular as a recovering ballroom dancer and aspiring actor who pals around with a Chinese crime boss.

  8. Good stuff! Don't worry about reviewing bad movies Megan. They can make for great episodes, just look at E2's Batman and Robin reviews.

    Is it the headphones I have on at work or is the audio bad?

    It may be the headphones. Quality sounded great to me.

    I've seen the 1939 version but I don't recall it being a musical. There was an extended colour fashion show sequence though.

    According to Wiki the play and the '39 adaptaion were both written by women.

    Looking forward to Robocop!

  9. Leave it to Chance: Monster Madness and Other Stories - Flagrant false advertising. There's only one other story. Despite being the shortest collection it's also the best. Monster madness has it all; A vampire, a mummy, a werewolf cop, a new (possible) romantic interest and Robinson gets to indulge his interest in movies. The second story is the most entertaining zombie story I've ever read. No I haven't read Walking Dead or Marvel Zombies but I'll bet neither series involves the zombies playing hockey. The only serious flaw is, again, the price, 14.95 US for three comics. 9/10

    Star Trek: Deep Space Nine #1-2 - Well, these were a waste of money. The art is muddy unless the artist is drawing breasts and asses and the station looks pretty empty for a story where over crowding is a plot point. The story itself takes two issues to do something that could have been done in one and lacks any of the humor or personality of the TV series. 3/10

    Joe the Barbarian #1 - Eh. The art is nice. "Teddy Bear Alley" and "Starbase Heights" are cute names. Might pick up the trade but the tail end makes me concerned this book is falling more on the random gobbledygook end of the Grant Morrison spectrum. 6/10

    Green Lantern Corps #44 - Something about Red guy makes me feel warm and fuzzy. :) 7.5/10

    Starman #81 "Why you adorable prune." God I missed James Robinson's Shade. He's a great character and this relationship with Hope adds a whole new layer of complexity. Their interactions were great especially when she found out his real name. I want a Shade and Hope ongoing. NOW. My only gripe is every now and then the art got a little confusing, but if fit the mood. 9.5/10

    Comic Books: 10

    TPBs: 2

    HCs: 6

  10. Alias Vol 1 - This is the fifth Brian Michael Bendis book I've ever read, and the first I've truly enjoyed. Jessica's a great character and the excerpts from Rick's book were entertaining enough to keep the second mystery interesting even though I knew the outcome. Thanks for the head's up about this one Mike and Dan. 7/10

    Astro City: Confession - A worm's eye view of Fantastic Four #2. With Batman. Pretty darn good. 7/10

    Astro City: Local Heroes - Various short stories. This probably read better as individual issues but still holds together. The two parter about the lawyer and the small town story were particular stand outs. 7/10

    Astro City: Tarnished Angel - Easily the best of the three. 9/10

    Gargoyles: Bad Guys - Walt Disney's Suicide Squad. The art's got a nice animated look to it. Despite being black and white the book looks like it could be made of stills from the Gargoyles cartoon. The story itself is darker in tone, which isn't a bad thing. A few of the overtly super villain elements felt out of place in the Gargverse but Shakespeare buffs should get a giggle out of the main antagonists. 8/10

    Leave it to Chance Vol 2: Trick or Threat - Picked this up on sale and I'm glad I did. It retains the charm of volume one and improves on it by adding a few friends Chance's age. Unfortunately it's four issues in a hardcover for twenty bucks Canadian. Despite it's quality I'd feel ripped off if I spent full price 7/10

    The Wizard's Tale - A beautiful book. The concept is great but the plot becomes predictable a few pages in. Busiek's characterization and David Wenzel's painted art elevate it above the plot. 7/10

    Green Lantern #49 - Hey John Stewart! Nice to see ya buddy, feels like you haven't been around for months! 6.5/10

    Blackest Night #6 - "I welcome myself to the Green Lantern Corps." Love that. 8/10

    R.E.B.E.L.S. #12 - Mostly set-up for the conclusion of the Starro arc. Looking forward to seeing the consequences of Dox's deal with Kanjar Ro and Despero. Getting sick of the Omega Men though. Unless they're going to join the team at the end of this arc I really don't see the point of using them when there are so many classic L.E.G.I.O.N.aires going unused. 7.5/10

    Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #1 - Just when you thought Greg Rucka couldn't make Max Lord look like more of a douche, he goes and trashes Arlington National Cemetery. Nice to have a BN tie in that's done in one though. 7/10

    Booster Gold #28 - The lead story is alright but the back up's got me pumped. Sturges is finally starting to pay off the reboot plot line he set up at the end of BB's book. 8/10

    Comic Books: 5

    TPBs: 2

    HCs: 5

  11. I think that silhouette is a post Blackest Night Martian Manhunter.

    :w00t: Even better!

    No Guy? Downer.

    The art is terrible. Fire looks like a 50 year old Brazilian Hooker.

    That's just the cover artist, and I agree, it does look like shit.

    Yeah, normally I love Tony Harris but he doesn't seem to be a good fit for such a light hearted team.

  12. King Shark's real name is Nanaue. The squid guy is called the Dweller in the Depths. The Sea Devils have been around since 1960.

    A little Kubert influence in a fantasy story doesn't seem out of place to me. In addition to his war comics, he's worked on Tarzan, Hawkman and co-created The Viking Prince, all adventure heroes with fantastic elements to them.

    Aquaman was my suggestion, sorry you didn't care for it. Although I clearly enjoyed it more than you, I agreed with most of your criticisms, especially concerning Joseph's apparent age. However Dan's complaint that the new Aquaman had the same origin as the original seems a bit odd.

    The original Aquaman was the lost prince of the mythical undersea kingdom of Atlantis.

    The new Aquaman is an American who received aquatic powers from a serum created by his marine biologist father.

    Sorry Dan but I honestly don't see how those origins could be more different and still be about a guy who breathes underwater. Admittedly Arthur Joesph's origin is the same as the original one from the 40's, but that hasn't been in continuity for 51 years.

  13. I haven't seen this posted anywhere else on the forums, so here it goes:

    DC is prepping a second bi-weekly series called Generation Lost. It's apparently a JLI reunion book written by Keith Giffen and Judd winick and will star Booster Gold, Rocket Red, Fire, Ice, Captain Atom and Blue Beetle. No word on which Beetle but a silhouette in the preview art looks like Ted. I'd post it here but I can't figure out how to do that. It's in the link.

    I hope this doesn't mean Jamie's being written out. It'd be Shayera Thal all over again.

  14. Martian Manhunter - Greg Rucka and John Cassaday

    Hawkman - Joe Kubert

    Blue Beetle - John Rogers and Pascual Ferry

    Aquaman - Tad Williams and Ethan Van Sciver

    L.E.G.I.O.N. - Peter David and Travis Charest

    Wonder Girl (the adventures of Diana when she was a kid) - James Robinson and David Wenzel

    Legion of Superheroes - Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning and Oliver Coipel

    Booster Gold - Dan Jurgens

    Suicide Squad - John Ostrander and Jock

    Detective Chimp - Rob Thomas (of Veronica Mars fame) and Gary Frank