The Kurgan

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Posts posted by The Kurgan

  1. I'm voluntarily taking a credit in summer school to free up some space for more courses on my schedule next year, but when most people hear summer school, they think "failure" and not "good student". Plus it's an hour and a half by bus, so that kinda sucks. It'll be done in four weeks, so I'll have August all to myself, which is pretty good. Plus, with the purchase of a July bus pass, I got a coupon for a discount at Canada's Wonderland. Well, would you look at that. My annoyance has turned into a good thing... Huh.

  2. At first I was a little confused by all the sex related keywords that lead people to the site, but now I see an opportunity to expand outward into an aggressively growing field! I say we welcome our new sex-crazed cohorts with open arms and clenched cheeks!

    Oh, and it wouldn't hurt if we got cracking on the "niche sex fantasy fiction" thread, either.

  3. At first, I figured it was just a cold opening, but I was sorely mistaken. Still awesome though.

    P.S. Ok, I'm just going to ask it. What in the blurb am I looking for exactly?

    P.P.S. I have only seen two scenes from the film, and almost killed all my brain cells for it.

    P.P.P.S I know you guys have seen the film before, but did you actually watch it for this "review"?

  4. Saw it today! LOVED IT! I almost didn't recognize Emily Browning because:

    A) she was blonde

    B) It's been years since I last saw her in a movie

    C) She wasn't heping Jim Carey fuck up a cherished children's book series (A Series of Unfortunate Events)

    If you haven't seen Sucker Punch, DO IT NOW!!!